Almost every manufactured article you buy carries a warranty. Their purpose is to guarantee or make sure your purchase does what it should do. Sometimes we discover the warranty covers only certain items. No human guarantee will last forever. But in these remarkable closing verses of chapter 8, Paul gives us an unconditional guarantee of our security in Christ. If you have J.B. Phillips "Letters to Young Churches", it would worth stopping right now to read his thrilling paraphrase of verses 38 to 39. Not long afterwards, severe persecution broke out against the Christians in Rome. Paul might have anticipated this so he warned them about this possibility and encouraged their faith. Often we ourselves tend to doubt and we need the strong reassurance of God's word. Paul gave that to us in these great words concerning the enduring strength of God's love for us. Many things (even personalities) may seem to threaten our security in Christ, but Paul said, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Anyone who threatens us will have to be bigger than God. Often circumstances might threaten our security, but again Paul stated that nothing, absolutely nothing could ever break God's guarantee. "Death can't. Life won't." Neither the circumstances of the present, nor anything which may happen in the future can break the terms of God's guarantee which is Christ Himself. Do you need any more assurance of your position in Christ? Turn back to John 10:27-30 and read what Christ said. Believe it! Trust it and put your faith afresh in Christ. You are as secure as He is, now and for all eternity. A VERSE FOR TODAY: Read Hebrews 6:19. |