2008年12月31日 星期三

2008-12-31 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   利未記二十五章1至10節








Day 31

Bible Reading:   Leviticus 25:1-10
Here is one of the most wonderful pictures in the Old . Testament-the Sabbatical year and the Jubilee year. The I Sabbatical year came every seven years (v. 1-7). The land was not to be ploughed or sown that year. Certain debts were to be forgiven (Deut. 15:1-11) and there was to be the public reading I of God's law (Deut. 31 :10-13).

This year then was not only for the benefit of the land, but for the people as well. God's intention was not that the people should be idle for a whole year but that extra time should be given to the reading and studying of God's Word.

It also meant the exercise of faith. Look at verses 20-22. If the people obeyed the Lord, he would give them such an abundant harvest each sixth year that they would have sufficient to carry them through the seventh and on into the eighth year. Isn't it wonderful to have a God who can count?

The Jubilee year came every 50 years. It began with the Day of Atonement, which emphasised the basis of their year of rejoicing and redemption.

What a wonderful sound that Jubilee trumpet must have been to all the Children of Israel! Can you imagine the scene -the thrill, the expectancy, the laughter, the rejoicing.

It was a time of review, of return, of going back to the old , home. It was a time of rest and a time of revival, when God commanded blessing on his people (see v. 18, 22).

If only Israel had obeyed these beautiful provisions what a blessing they might have known. In one sense, life for Israel would have begun again every fifty years.

What are the lessons these years have for us? The book of Hebrews speaks of the 'rest' that God has planned for his people. It is a rest of faith which is available for every believer. A peace of mind and heart is ours because of what Christ has done for us. There is a resting in him, not trusting in ourselves or working or striving to keep ourselves in his love and care.

It is a day by day acceptance of what we have in Christ and by faith leaving our lives in his hands.

2008年12月30日 星期二

2008-12-30 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   利未記十八章1至5節、30節








Day 30

Bible Reading:   Leviticus 18:1-5,30
The Word of God is filled with this truth-that after we are born into the family of God, we are to live holy lives, as our Father wants us to live.

These verses at the beginning of chapter 18 of Leviticus introduce the final section of the book which deals with the daily walk of God's people. God wanted them to be different from everyone else because they belonged to him. These remaining chapters are filled with instructions, both negative and positive.

What does God say in verse 2? 'I am the Lord your God'. This phrase occurs almost 50 times in these chapters which deal with the daily living of God's people. It emphasises our relationship with him.

Notice who it is that speaks: Not a heathen god, but a holy God; Not a silent god, but one who tells us his will; Not a dead god, but a living God; Not one who cannot see, but a God who sees everything.

The principles laid down in these verses are re-emphasised in the New Testament. Take time to read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and see how God wants us to live today.

Verse 3 of Leviticus 18 says that, first of all, we are not to live according to the standards of the world. The Children of Israel were not to live as the Egyptians did nor as the Canaanites lived. Egypt is always a type of the world. Canaan is a picture of the flesh. Neither one of these was any better than the other. Both were wrong in God's sight.

Israel's guide and standard was to be the Word of God. Look at verses 4 and 5 again. Today we have the indwelling Holy Spirit to help us see for ourselves how God wants us to live day by day.

This is not legalism. Behaviour can easily become hardhearted conduct. May God keep us from that while still keeping us obedient to his Word. He will do so if our hearts are open to him, if his love fills our hearts and his Word is our daily companion.

2008年12月29日 星期一

2008-12-29 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   利未記九章23節至十章3節







Day 29

Bible Reading:   Leviticus 9:23 - 10:3
What a contrast there is in the verses of our reading today! In chapters 8 and 9 everything was done as the Lord commanded and the result was a scene of blessing. Fire even came from the presence of the Lord and burned up the sacrifices on the altar.

Now suddenly we are in the presence of judgment and death. What did these two sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, really do?

The first day of Aaron's work as high priest seems to have almost ended, then his two oldest sons took their fire-pots and filled them with live coals from a camp fire somewhere. Only the fire that God had given could be used. This was their sin-notice the words of verse 1-'which the Lord had not commanded them'.

The very fire of God which had shown his acceptance of all that Moses had done, now became a fire of judgment. In the same way in the early days of the Christian church, two people acted out of the will of God and the same Holy Spirit (whose symbol is fire)-the one who gave such wonderful power to the apostles and believers-came on Ananias and Sapphira in judgment.

The lesson behind these two incidents is the same. It is expressed in the words of Moses in verse 3. 'By those who come near me, I will be treated as holy'.

What did Aaron do on the sudden death of his two sons? In verse 6 God told him not to mourn for their death but to continue in God's service. This must have been hard on Aaron but the lesson for us is that sin in the life of someone else is no excuse for us to stop serving God. The failure of others is no excuse for us.

This is a sad section. May it impress again on our hearts the holiness of God and the holiness and obedience which God desires to see in the lives of his children. This is especially true of those who are in a place of leadership or special service.

2008年12月28日 星期日

2008-12-28 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   利未記八章1至10節











Day 28

Bible Reading:   Leviticus 8:1-10
We began our studies in Leviticus by saying that this book answers questions about how things should be done, questions which would have arisen as soon as the Tabernacle was I set up (see Exodus 40).

The answers God gave left nothing to man's imagination. We have looked at some of the details of the offerings. Now I we look at the details concerning the priests and their work. This too is part of the divine order-first Christ offered himself without spot to God as the perfect sacrifice; then he entered into his work as our great High Priest.

Someone has said that in this chapter there are three important points we should notice:

1. The authority of God's Word-speaking of the Father.

2. The value of the blood-speaking of the Son.

3. The anointing which speaks of the Holy Spirit.

The authority of God's Word is so clear. God spoke. Moses declared it and obeyed it completely (v. 4, 5). Every action was in accordance with all God had said.

It could be that as many as eight animals had to be slain in this first recognition of Aaron and his sons as priests. This could only speak of Calvary, a blood-stained place where Christ the Lamb of God shed his blood for us all.

Again in these chapters much is made of the anointing of Aaron and his sons. They were anointed with both blood and oil (v. 12, 23, 24, 30). This spoke of their need of salvation first and then the oil spoke of power.

The Holy Spirit alone is the source of a Christian's power. It is only as he, the indwelling Spirit, is allowed to do his work in and through us that anything can ever be accomplished for God.

That anointing comes as we spend time with the Lord, and live in obedience to God's Word. It comes as we recognize our need of Christ continually and as we rely on the strength of the Lord and not on our own strength.

2008年12月27日 星期六

2008-12-27 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   利未記四章1至7節








Day 27

Bible Reading:   Leviticus 4:1-7
We have passed over chapter 3 which describes the peace offering. It symbolizes in a beautiful way a heart which knows forgiveness so is at rest in Christ.

Now in chapter 4 the details of the sin offerings are set out. The first three offerings described in Leviticus were voluntary. The sin offerings had to be made. If a man wanted to be accepted before God, he had to show it.

It was no good bringing the offering if there was no repentance or faith. In the Old Testament God often spoke through the prophets about an outward form that had no inner meaning.

In this long chapter, a sinning priest comes before us first of all. Sin, especially that of a servant of God is never dealt with lightly or carelessly in the Bible.

In one translation (NASB) verse 3 reads 'If the anointed priest sins so as to bring guilt on the people ...'. This is one of the greatest tragedies in the Christian church-a leader who sins and takes his people with him or brings shame on the church and the name of Christ. None of us live to ourselves. What we do for good or bad always affects the lives of others.

What is the answer to sin? It is not 'I am going to do better or I am going to be different'. The priest or person concerned had to bring an offering. Forgiveness had to be centred around the recognition of sin and the shedding of blood from an innocent victim. The offerer had to place his hand on the head of the animal, thus identifying himself with the sacrifice. The Hebrew words say 'he shall lean hard'.

That offering, as an open admission of repentance and the desire for forgiveness, was the sinner's only hope. The offering had to be killed. It not only had to be a perfect animal, but its blood had to be shed and applied. When this was done in faith, the sinner was forgiven. Notice verses 20, 26 and 31.

Can you apply these principles to Christ, our sacrifice and to ourselves as sinners today?

2008年12月26日 星期五

2008-12-26 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   利未記二章1至6節







Day 26

Bible Reading:   Leviticus 2:1-6
Here was another offering which could be brought by anyone who wanted to show his love for God. The burnt offering in chapter 1 spoke of Christ's devotion to the will of God in death. The meal offering of chapter 2 speaks of Christ's I devotion to God's will in his life.

Flour or grain could be used for this offering, mixed with oil, frankincense and salt (v. 13). Leaven, which speaks of evil, I was forbidden (v. 11). This offering did not refer to sin but showed a desire for fellowship and communion with God.

The flour had to be ground until it was very fine. Nothing uneven or rough could remain. This speaks of the perfection of Christ. Whatever way you look at him, there was never anything wrong.

Oil in the Bible is nearly always a type or picture of the Holy Spirit. Here it was mixed with the flour and then poured out on the offering. So it pictures Christ who was always filled with the Spirit. The oil also reminds us of the anointing of the Spirit on Christ.

Frankincense was a very costly gum or resin which was used only in the worship of God. Here it was used on the sacrifice. It gave off a beautiful odour when it was burned.

Everything that Christ did pleased the Father. His life and service were like a beautiful fragrance to God. '

Salt is the symbol of preservation. It speaks of something lasting and penetrating. The words of Christ are like that. They remain always as words which we can rely on, yet they can also penetrate into the heart of man.

What was done with the offering? Part of it, with all the frankincense, was burned on the altar. The remainder was given to Aaron and his sons to eat. What a beautiful picture that which spoke of devotion to the will of God became the daily food of the servant of God. May our lives always find satisfaction in the will of God.