2008年12月30日 星期二

2008-12-30 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   利未記十八章1至5節、30節








Day 30

Bible Reading:   Leviticus 18:1-5,30
The Word of God is filled with this truth-that after we are born into the family of God, we are to live holy lives, as our Father wants us to live.

These verses at the beginning of chapter 18 of Leviticus introduce the final section of the book which deals with the daily walk of God's people. God wanted them to be different from everyone else because they belonged to him. These remaining chapters are filled with instructions, both negative and positive.

What does God say in verse 2? 'I am the Lord your God'. This phrase occurs almost 50 times in these chapters which deal with the daily living of God's people. It emphasises our relationship with him.

Notice who it is that speaks: Not a heathen god, but a holy God; Not a silent god, but one who tells us his will; Not a dead god, but a living God; Not one who cannot see, but a God who sees everything.

The principles laid down in these verses are re-emphasised in the New Testament. Take time to read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and see how God wants us to live today.

Verse 3 of Leviticus 18 says that, first of all, we are not to live according to the standards of the world. The Children of Israel were not to live as the Egyptians did nor as the Canaanites lived. Egypt is always a type of the world. Canaan is a picture of the flesh. Neither one of these was any better than the other. Both were wrong in God's sight.

Israel's guide and standard was to be the Word of God. Look at verses 4 and 5 again. Today we have the indwelling Holy Spirit to help us see for ourselves how God wants us to live day by day.

This is not legalism. Behaviour can easily become hardhearted conduct. May God keep us from that while still keeping us obedient to his Word. He will do so if our hearts are open to him, if his love fills our hearts and his Word is our daily companion.
