2008年12月13日 星期六

2008-12-13 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   歌羅西書一章24至29節









Day 13

Bible Reading:   Colossians 1:24-29
Paul never forgot his part in the great program of Christ and the Church. Verse 23 gives us a glimpse of his fervent evangelism which took him and the gospel of Jesus Christ into almost every part of his world.

Paul had the heart of a true pastor (v. 24). He first established or planted a church, then he cared for it for the rest of his life (his follow-up ministry). The secret behind all his work is shown in verse 27-the indwelling Christ and his Holy Spirit.

See also verse 29.

What does verse 24 mean? Did Paul pay part of the cost of the redemption of the Church? Some people think so and try to make us earn merit with God through suffering. Let us look at this again:

Christ's death was the complete payment for our redemption. However in the building up of the Church, there must be someone who is prepared to work, to pray, to suffer perhaps, if that Church is to amount to anything worthwhile.

This is what Paul was willing for. You can read the list of the things which he went through in 2 Corinthians 11:23-33. Much of this was for the sake of the gospel. Much of it was also on behalf of the churches which he had founded and the individuals whom he brought to Christ. His great desire was that they might grow in Christ or to use his phrase 'that Christ might be formed in them'.

Even today it is the same. If a church or a group of believers is to be brought into being and grow, someone must be willing to toil and suffer, to pray, to preach, to warn and to study.

Are we willing for that kind of service for Christ? Are we?

Paul's final words in this chapter are tremendous. As we have said, his one great desire was to see everyone he met (notice that) come to a knowledge of Christ and go on with Christ. Read these verses if you can in J. B. Phillips' translation of the New Testament. It is a great challenge just to read them through.

A PRA YER: Lord help me to not only grow in Christ but to be willing for anything so that others might also grow in him.
