2008年12月16日 星期二

2008-12-16 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   歌羅西書三章5至11節





保羅列出一些屬於舊性情的事物,它們在神眼中都是已死的。我們未必有這些表現,可是,第8節所列出的惡行,在基督徒的生命中卻是相當常見。我們未必會犯第5 節所列的罪,但第8節中列的那些又如何呢?在神的眼中,它們同樣是罪,罪是沒有大小之分的;它們都是屬於我們信主之前的舊人,所以,它們如今應該死了。


Day 16

Bible Reading:   Colossians 3:5-11
How can our earthly experience be anything like our heavenly position?

Paul has some strong words to say to us about that question in these verses. The first word is 'therefore', in verse 5. He is saying 'now in the light of your position in Christ, in view of the fact that Christ is in your life, put to death the old nature that used to reign in your heart'. The word he uses for putting to death means 'don't be easy on your old nature and the things it wants to do. Don't excuse it-refuse its suggestions and desires. Stand strong and firm when it wants to take over. Don't play with it.'

But hasn't Paul said that we are already dead in Christ? Doesn't God see the believer as crucified with Christ? Absolutely, but this needs to be worked out now in daily living.

For example: Have you ever bought a house? It became yours the moment you bought it, but you did not enter into the benefits of it until you actually moved in. You had to do just that-to move in, in order to enjoy what was yours.

While it is true that Christ has done everything for us, yet there remains the decision of our will to enter into what he has made possible for us. The Holy Spirit will help us in much the same way as someone might help us decide when to move into our new house or help us with the actual moving. Our daily prayer should be 'Lord I am yours, and I am willing that the Holy Spirit will help me to move into all that you have made possible. I want this for myself today.'

Paul lists some of the things that belong to the old nature which God sees as being in the place of death. Some of them may not apply to us but the attitudes of verse 8 are all too often seen in the lives of Christians. We may not be guilty of the things Paul mentions in verse 5, but what about the ones he names in verse 8? One is just as bad as the other in God's sight. All of them belong to the old nature-what we were before we came to Christ. .

Can we say today 'Lord Jesus, I want my new nature which you have given me to be seen in my life for your sake today?
