2008年12月19日 星期五

2008-12-19 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   歌羅西書三章18節至四章1節






Day 19

Bible Reading:   Colossians 3:18 - 4:1
The New Testament has more to say about the Christian home than about any other subject except the Christian ministry. The home is to be a place of witness, a place of fellowship, a place of prayer and much more. It ought to be a show piece for the gospel.

The basic relationship in a home is, of course, between husband and wife. If these two do not act in the way Christ wants them to, how can there be any Christian atmosphere? Any marriage where one partner is selfish or self-centred is not fulfilling the pattern of Christian marriage. The position of leadership for the husband does not mean he pleases himself with no concern for his family.

'Children' includes all ages up to adulthood. One of the best ways Christian children can show their love for the Lord is by their attitude toward their parents. Parents have their responsibilities too. They must neither over-discipline nor neglect their children. The duty of a parent is to train and encourage. Training includes discipline or even punishment when needed. Martin Luther said 'Use the rod but keep an apple alongside it for when your child does well'.

Paul also has a word for slaves and masters. We would say employees and employers. Paul insists that a Christian must be conscientious in his work. Christianity ought to make us a better and more efficient typist, clerk, labourer, farmhand or whatever. Being a Christian does not let us avoid hard work, it should make us work harder. Even in the way we work we can show that we belong to Christ.

Employers, too, need to remember that they are accountable to Christ. They cannot run their business any way they want to. They are responsible to Christ as their own master. This includes the way they treat their employees as well as show they manage the whole business.

All these are ways in which our Christian life is to be lived and how it should be seen by the world around. Too high a standard ? Not if Christ is with us to help us reach it.
