2008年3月13日 星期四


Bible Reading: Luke 14: 15 – 24

At the beginning of this chapter we find Jesus in the home of one of the Pharisees. (They were leaders of the Jewish people.) There had been quite a lot of teaching as well as a miracle (v.4). At the end of the meal one man spoke up and said, 'Well I think it would be wonderful to have the privilege of being with you for ever'.


Jesus replied with another parable which could be summered up like this. Yes it would be wonderful to be with God forever, but the tragedy is that those who are invited to God's table don't always accept the invitation.


In the story Jesus told it seems hard to believe that those invited would not come to the feast. What were their excuses?


I've got something else I want to see (v.18).

I've got something else I want to do (v.19).

I've got something else I want to enjoy (v.20).




Aren't those some of the excuses people use today when they are invited to accept Christ? Human nature hasn't changed very much in 2,000 years, has it?


What did the man giving the feast say? 'I want people to come and enjoy my feast … Go out and get them wherever you can.' And that is what they did.


When people refuse to accept Christ, what do we do? Do we give up trying to invite anyone else? Or do we say, 'All right, there are others who will accept' and go after them?


Christ wants us to invite anyone, everyone. Who has the privilege of inviting them? You and I do. Are we really doing it? The feast of salvation is waiting for all those who are willing to come. Let's do our part in inviting them.



God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


2008年3月12日 星期三


Bible Reading: Luke 12: 15 – 31
Here's another story Jesus told to a crowd after he had dinner in someone's house. Probably Jesus was outside the house because of the crowds that had gathered. Suddenly a man interrupted him with a strange request. He said, 'Master, make my brother give me what belongs to me'


Jesus refused to be drawn into this family quarrel, but pointed out the man's real trouble which was a desire for material things. Then Jesus told this story.


A rich man thought he had everything worked out nicely. He would be very comfortable for years ahead with all that he had. He also saw the need of building bigger barns to hold his crops. The world would have said he was smart and successful, but God said he had forgotten the most important thing of all, preparation for eternity.


Planning ahead is a wonderful idea, if we plan far enough ahead. If all we think of is this world and nothing of the next, we will suddenly find ourselves face to face with the next world before we are ready for it.


There is a question that has only one answer. Here is the question, 'How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?' – the salvation Jesus Christ offers? The answer is 'there is not escape'. We can only come to God through Jesus Christ.


Christ went on to say that the things of this world do have their place. God will see to it that we who trust in him have all we need when we need it.


Isn't he a wonderful God? He is willing to look after us now in this world and give us a place in the next world too. He has planned all this for us. Are you part of his plan or are you still making your own plans. If so are you planning far enough ahead?


2008年3月11日 星期二


Bible Reading: BIBLE READING: Luke 10: 25 – 37
讀經: 路加福音十章25至37節

Of all the parables Jesus told, this one and the story we call the Prodigal Son must be the most well-known. Has this story been the means of bringing about more good deeds than any other? It is a story you can't forget. But don't leave it on the Jericho road. Put it on the road that runs by your house and see what it has to say to you today.


There are four men mentioned in this story plus the innkeeper. The first is the wounded man. He is nameless but the point of the story is this: what do the other three men do with him?


The second man is the priest, the indifferent man. He thought only of himself, and the possible danger and went on his way.


The third is the interested man. He wanted to know what was wrong with the wounded person, but he wasn't really interested enough to help him.


The fourth is the compassionate man. Again we don't know his name, but what a wonderful moment it was when he stopped to help. It was like that moment when Jesus came to you and me. The Samaritan was prepared to take every responsibility for the wounded man. Isn't that just like Jesus?


The needs of the wounded man interrupted the journey and the plans of the Samaritan, but he didn't seem to mind. It was because he was prepared to forget himself, and his plans, that the world has remembered him.


Are you too busy to help someone nearby who needs help? Do interruptions to your plans upset you? It could be that those interruptions have been planned by God and they are not really interruptions, but opportunities.



What are you going to do if you are interrupted by someone in need today?



2008年3月10日 星期一


Bible Reading: Luke 7: 36 – 50
How many parables did Jesus tell? Possibly about thirty-nine. Many of the best known are found in the gospel of Luke and a number of these are not in the other gospels. Often the stories in Luke were told around a dinner table.


These parables are so true to life that it would not be difficult to transfer them to this year and to our place of living. We can almost see them being acted out in front of us.


In the story we have just read there are three people. Two are in debt to the third. One owes a little, the other owes a lot. But both had nothing with which to pay their debts.


Can you imagine the scene as these two men come confessing that they cannot pay a penny and their tremendous joy when the man says, 'It's quite all right, I will forgive both of you'? What a surprising end to the story!


But it is not really the end. There is the application. Christ asked this question: 'Which man would love him the most?' His host, Simon, said, 'The one who owed the most'. Then Jesus went on, 'Do you see this woman Simon? She loves me because she knows the joy of sins forgiven. You don't really know that joy, Simon, because you don't realise your need. You are a sinner just like she is, but she has been forgiven. Why don't you ask for forgiveness too?'


We are not told what happened to Simon. He would have to overcome a lot of pride to seek the Saviour's forgiveness. But if he asked for it, he would have been immediately forgiven.


Have you asked for the forgiveness of your sins? If not, why not ask Christ to forgive you today?


2008年3月9日 星期日


This is the first full parable Jesus told. He had used all kinds of illustrations before this. But when the people around him began to openly reject him, he used parables or stories which could only be understood by those whose eyes and ears were open to what he was saying. This parable of the sower is given to us by Matthew, Mark and Luke.


The story of the sower is a wonderful picture of missionary work. In fact it covers all kinds of evangelism wherever the gospel is given out. The harvest does not always depend on the sower nor on the seed, but on the nature and response of the soil on which it falls.


The first seed fell on earth which could have been different. (Was it the same kind of soil as elsewhere in the field?) Instead of opening its heart to the seed, the soil refused to allow it to enter. The soil was hard and Christ said the seed lay on top. In the spiritual sense, Satan was able to take away the seed before it could possibly take root.


In the same way Christ carefully explained each type of soil. Don't you find encouragement as a Christian in this story? The seed was sown in four places but only one place really gave the harvest that was looked for. Even in the good soil the harvest varied (see Mark 4:8).


Your harvest will vary and it will not always be your fault. There has to be a response on the part of the hearers too. But, thank God, if we are faithful in sowing the seed, God will see to it that there will be an eternal harvest.



Lord, help me to be faithful in sowing the good seed today.



2008年3月8日 星期六


Bible Reading: Acts 14: 19 – 27
讀經: 使徒行傳十四章19至27節

Paul and Barnabas had probably been on the road as missionaries for about a year. They had suffered a great deal in that time. Now they were ready to go back to their home church at Antioch and share with the Christians all that God had done.


But first there was something more to do before they could leave the areas they had visited. They had been forced to leave almost every city in a hurry even though there were new Christians there. Now Paul felt he must go back over the same road. But this time he would meet only with the Christians to strengthen their faith and help them organise a church.


Preaching and evangelistic work are very important. But there must also be care for the new converts and wherever possible the formation of a local church if the work is to continue. Paul did all of this wherever he went.


Paul helped the Christians too by explaining the strange mystery of suffering (v.22). No-one can expect to be absolutely free of pain and problems just because they have accepted Christ. It is part of the work of the Holy Spirit to help us endure these occasions and to become more Christlike in them.


Lastly, Paul arrived back in Antioch and found a marvellous welcome. He was in his home church. How he must have appreciated the fellowship he found there after a year on the road. They shared in praising God together as he told of what God had done. It was a very happy ending to twelve months of testing.


A QUESTION: What help do we give to people who accept Christ?
反思: 我們怎樣去建立初信者?

2008年3月7日 星期五


Bible Reading: Acts 13: 6 – 12
When Paul and Barnabas set out on their first missionary journey, they met two men (vv. 6-7), one of whom welcomed them and the other opposed them. That seems to be the same today in many places doesn’t it? Paul spoke bluntly to the man who opposed him, but shared his faith warmly with the man who welcomed him.


Why did Paul rebuke Elymas so strongly? Because Elymas was standing in the way of another man coming to know Christ (v. 8). Have you ever noticed that the strongest, harshest words in the Bible were often spoken to those who stood in the way of others trusting God?


Christ never said a harsh word to a sinning man or woman, but he certainly spoke out against those who were supposed to lead men and women to God but failed to do so.


Paul’s hard words to Elymas made the deputy named Sergius Paulus stop and think again (v.12). He was a man with a hungry heart, an open ear and a believing faith, When he heard Paul speak about Christ, he accepted the truth and was born again. He was Paul’s first Gentile convert that we know about.


The two men must have become the best of friends and Paul even changed his name to the same as the man he had just led to Christ. There is a wonderful bond between friends who have helped each other in Christ. Who has been the means of blessing to you? Have you ever told them so? It might be a real encouragement to them. Why not do it today?



Thank God again for the one who first told you of Chris



2008年3月6日 星期四


Bible Reading: Acts 13: 1 – 5

Here is another glimpse of the church at Antioch. We saw a few days ago how they enjoyed sound Bible teaching and were active in witnessing. Now we see something of their depth of prayer and their willing obedience when God called.


The church at Antioch was a praying church. But notice that they prayed not only when it was easy and convenient. Twice in these verses we read of 'fasting' which is going without food in order to spend more time in prayer. That means the sacrifice of personal appetites in order to pray.


Do we know very much of this? Our Lord was often so busy that to find the necessary time for prayer, he gave up his sleep. Do we know – does your church know – very much about that kind of sacrificial prayer?


Secondly, when God spoke to the church, they were immediately obedient. God asked for their best. He always does. He asked for Barnabas, the encourager, and Paul, the active leader in evangelism. It must have been quite a loss to the Antioch church to give up those two men. But they sent Paul and Barnabas out as their representatives and prayed for them as they went (v. 3).


Does your church stand in the need of greater blessing? Perhaps it should take a lesson from the Antioch church and spend more time in sacrificial prayer. Then if God speaks to your church, asking you to step out in his name, make sure your obedience is as ready and immediate as was theirs.



Should you personally be more like those at Antioch?



2008年3月5日 星期三


Bible Reading: Acts 12: 1 – 11
How do we explain some of the things God does? Here is one of the greatest examples of how God does one thing for one person and the opposite for another. James lost his wife for Christ's sake while Peter was miraculously delivered. We can only say God knows best. Even if we do not understand all he does or why he does it, we can still trust him


Perhaps someone reading this page today has been unable to understand why they have been allowed to suffer while others have not. In those circumstances it is always good to ask this question, 'What does God want me to learn from all of this?' Sometimes when we begin to really learn the lesson God has for us, he then changes our circumstances. When the planned change begins in us, often the situation changes too.


The other point to notice in our reading today is found in verse 5. Prayer was made by the church unto God for him. There is tremendous power in the united prayer of God's people, especially when they really lay hold of God for the special thing they are asking for.


True prayer of course is always 'unto God'. Sometimes we need to be reminded that without him we can do nothing. If we want what prayer can do, then we have to be truly in touch with God.


Prayer was very definite, too. Notice it says 'for him'. They were not praying general prayers which went round the world and back again. They were praying definitely for Peter – a particular person – and God heard and answered.


Sometimes we have to pray in faith, not knowing just what God will do. But when we put our trust in him and definitely ask him for that which is on our hearts, he will always answer. We may have to wait. His answer may not be what we wanted or asked for, but it will be for our best good. Lord, teach us to pray.


2008年3月4日 星期二


Bible Reading: BIBLE READING: Acts 11: 19 – 26

There are two churches which are important in the book of Acts. The first was at Jerusalem, the second was at Antioch. The Jerusalem church had a wonderful start, but then was hit by persecution and many of its members were scattered. Some of those members started the church at Antioch (Acts 11:20, 21). It became a wonderful church with a great missionary vision.


One of the first pastors was Barnabas. He was a most gracious man. When he saw the situation at Antioch, he said, 'The man to meet the need here is that new convert, Saul. He is back home in Tarsus. I will go and get him.' He did, and Antioch became Paul's home church.


For twelve months Barnabas and Paul had a team ministry to the church in Antioch. They had what every church needs – a real teaching ministry. No church can really develop without a solid foundation of Bible teaching. Does your church have that foundation? It should.


But it was not only a well-fed church, it was a witnessing church. If all we do is to take in food without having any exercise we become fat and lazy. It is the same spiritually. Verse 21 tells us that a great many believed in Jesus Christ in Antioch. It was there the disciples were given a nickname – they were called 'Christians', people who followed Christ.


Later, in chapter 13, we will see that the church at Antioch was a praying church and an obedient, missionary – minded church.


Could we stop and look at our own church just now, wherever it is? Is there a good solid ministry of Bible teaching? There should be. Are the people witnessing for Christ day by day? Are they gathering regularly for prayer? If they are not, what do you think you could do to help bring this about? Why not pray and ask God to guide you as you seek his best for your church.



Bible Reading: BIBLE READING: Acts 10: 34 – 48

Isn't it easy to talk about everything except about Christ? We talk about the weather or our family or the stat of our country, but often fail to speak about our Saviour.


As you read Peter's message in the home of Cornelius you will find it is full of thoughts about Christ. Peter knew that this was a good family. They had evening prayer and often did good deeds. But they were not saved. It was God who had said they were not (Acts 11:14). What these fine people needed was a saving relationship with Christ and a living experience of him. So that is what Peter talked to them about.


Notice what Peter said. In verse 38 he says Jesus was anointed by God. This means he was particularly honoured as God's son. He was powerful. He was concerned about people. God was with him. He died on the cross, but God raised him again. Through him we can be saved. At the end of time all the world will be judged by him.


What a message about Christ! What was the result? When a prepared heart meets a prepared messenger with a message about Christ, the result is always the same. Cornelius and his whole family were converted and baptised immediately.


What message do we have for the needy souls around us? It is the same. It is Christ - who he is and what he can do. He is still full of power and love. He can save all who come to him.


There is a message of warning too. One day God will judge all the world by this simple test – 'What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?' Peter said it here in verse 42. Paul said it at Athens (Acts 17:31). One of the last scenes in Revelation is that of the Great White Throne and the Lamb's book of life when all men will be judged.


Let's talk about Christ more. He is what the world needs. He is what our friends and neighbours need. He is what everyone needs. Why don't we talk about him more?


'Let's talk about Jesus more and more'




This story of the conversion of Cornelius is told twice in the book of Acts and is referred to again in Acts 15:7. Why is it so important?


There are at least two reasons. This was the first group of converts who were not Jews and Peter had to overcome his own deep feelings of 'racism' before he was willing to preach to these non-Jews. It was an important turning point for the church.


God wanted to break down old barriers so that the gospel might reach out beyond the Jewish circle. But those who knew the gospel weren't willing to share it with anyone else. Before we criticise them, however, let's answer this question - how willing am I for God to use me in any way he wants to? Am I prepared to speak to anyone about Christ, especially those who seem to me to be unlovely?


God had to do something unusual to get Peter's attention, to make him willing. The whole message of the sheet full of animals and birds was a lesson to Peter that all the people of the world are equal in God's sight.


When Peter understood what God was saying and was willing to go anywhere and to anyone with the gospel, then he found a heart and a home prepared by God and waiting for him.


If we are really willing to be used by the Lord, he will take us at our word. If we are prepared to say each day 'Lord lead some soul to me today and help me to speak to that one about you and what you mean to me', we may be surprised how quickly and how often God answers that prayer. You will often find that, like Cornelius, God has prepared their hearts for what you have to say. Let's go back to our first question – Are we really willing for God to use us?



'Lead me to some soul today, Oh teach me, Lord, just what to say.'



Bible Reading: BIBLE READING: Acts 9: 1 – 9

Every conversion is a miracle. But when the person who is saved has spent his life fighting against Christ and all he stands for, it seems to be an even greater miracle. Paul was like that, yet Christ made him one of the world's greatest missionaries.


In this short passage there are three interesting questions. Notice them in vv. 4, 5 and 6. There is:


The question of the seeking Saviour – v.4


Christ called Saul by his name. The Lord knew Paul even if Paul did not know him. 'What wrong have I done to you? Why are you so against me?' asked Christ. Paul had hurt Christ because he had hurt Christ's followers.


The question of the surprised sinner


'Who are you, Lord?' asked Paul. He almost answered his own question, didn't he? The answer he received left no doubt as to who was speaking to him. Christ used his own personal name – 'I am Jesus, the one you thought was dead'. It was almost as if the Lord Jesus said, 'I am here in heaven with my Father. He honoured me, but you have been fighting against me.'


Paul was shattered. If this was true, then all he had ever said and done was wrong. What should he do now? This led on to –


The question of the submissive saint.


'What do you want me to do, Lord?' (You may not find this questions stated if you are reading one of the modern version.) Paul knew what he was saying and heard clearly what Christ wanted him to do (see also Acts 26:14). There is much we don't know but this we do – Paul did exactly what Jesus told him. There began that day a long life of wonderful service for Christ. We are still being blessed and helped today by the ministry of Paul.



If you ask God for directions, make sure you are willing to follow them.

