2008年3月4日 星期二


Bible Reading: BIBLE READING: Acts 11: 19 – 26

There are two churches which are important in the book of Acts. The first was at Jerusalem, the second was at Antioch. The Jerusalem church had a wonderful start, but then was hit by persecution and many of its members were scattered. Some of those members started the church at Antioch (Acts 11:20, 21). It became a wonderful church with a great missionary vision.


One of the first pastors was Barnabas. He was a most gracious man. When he saw the situation at Antioch, he said, 'The man to meet the need here is that new convert, Saul. He is back home in Tarsus. I will go and get him.' He did, and Antioch became Paul's home church.


For twelve months Barnabas and Paul had a team ministry to the church in Antioch. They had what every church needs – a real teaching ministry. No church can really develop without a solid foundation of Bible teaching. Does your church have that foundation? It should.


But it was not only a well-fed church, it was a witnessing church. If all we do is to take in food without having any exercise we become fat and lazy. It is the same spiritually. Verse 21 tells us that a great many believed in Jesus Christ in Antioch. It was there the disciples were given a nickname – they were called 'Christians', people who followed Christ.


Later, in chapter 13, we will see that the church at Antioch was a praying church and an obedient, missionary – minded church.


Could we stop and look at our own church just now, wherever it is? Is there a good solid ministry of Bible teaching? There should be. Are the people witnessing for Christ day by day? Are they gathering regularly for prayer? If they are not, what do you think you could do to help bring this about? Why not pray and ask God to guide you as you seek his best for your church.

