2008年6月30日 星期一


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  當我看見奧運火炬傳送被干擾,手無寸鐡的火炬手的安全受到威脅,施襲者甚至連坐輪椅的中國女火 炬手金晶也不放過,欺凌弱小的行為使我感到氣憤。表達意見的方式往往影響別人對意見的接納程度,言行一致才能取信於人。可惜,將世界簡單二分為「屬靈」和 「屬世」也令不少信徒陷入表裡不一的網羅中。主的榮耀又豈止限於教會的事工?修理、看守,是造物主給予人類最原始和榮耀的職事(創世記2:16)。 神 「安置」我們在不同的場景,不是要我們分門別類,乃是分工合作,互相配搭。若是回應上帝的呼召,士農工商與祈禱傳道同樣高貴,值得尊崇。

  一位弟兄於一間國內的工廠身居要職,一次從香港進口的原材料因報關時的疏忽,被國內海關扣查, 說是走私貨物,要罰款八萬。不過有關員提出,給他三千便能代為好好處理。那位弟兄吩咐下屬按實情解釋,如不被接納,寧可繳交八萬元罰款,也不會付三千元的 賄款。同事們也驚訝他這個「反常」的決定。公司最終雖然賠了八萬,卻傳遞了一個重要訊息,就是公司的管理階層是行為正直、絕不會以行賄的手段來掩飾過失 的。這見證換來報關部同事的尊敬和對公司的投入,他們更加積極工作,確保不再有任何細微的誤差,免得有人再有機會找麻煩。他們的認真後來更贏得海關的信 任,認定為「信得過」的企業。

  另一位朋友告訴我,有一次因為運輸的延誤,貨物要在下班時間之後才能運到香港,需要負責的同事 加班留在公司接收。那同事以需要參加教會祈禱會為理由拒絕加班(只是參加,不是負責),還加上一句:「順從 神不順從人是應該的。」我的朋友百思不得其 解,問我:為什麼你們這些基督徒那麼奇怪?

  火炬的傳送過程除了遇到人為的障礙,也經歷天災的艱難。國家的實力不在乎經濟起飛,而是人民在 面對困難時的韌力和溫情。同樣,信徒生命的質素也不在乎外表是否被人尊敬。要見證信仰便要敢於在罪惡的世代活出一個與別不同、分別出來的生命。這生命能超 越法律的限制,在不容許我們見證的地方也可以見證福音。相反,敵我分明和對信仰活動不必要的執著只會令人退避三舍。

  我們為鹽為光,好像火炬一般,別人看見便知有訊息要傳遞。他們若被吸引便會問個究竟,每當「有 人問你們心中盼望的緣由,就要常作準備,以溫柔敬畏的心回答各人。」(彼得前書3:15下)

  同行者,你是一把傳送佳美訊息、把人引到基督台前的火炬,還是一枝只有一團無情烈火、到處把旁 人燒傷的火把呢?


2008-06-30 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持











DAY 30

BIBLE READING: Joshua 20: 1-9

One of the outstanding facts in the history of the Children of Israel was the completeness of God's provision for them. He gave them food, water, deliverance, strength, shelter, clothes and everything we could think of. Most of all he gave them himself.

When they entered the land he had promised them, his care did not stop. One wonderful provision he made for them was the setting aside of certain cities as places of refuge for anyone who had accidentally killed another person. It is a wonderful story of God's love and mercy for the guilty sinner.

Six cities were set aside out of the 48 that God gave to the Levities, the priestly tribe. They were given, as the name suggests, as a refuge for the manslayer. They would stop revenge killing and protect those who accidentally killed another person.

There were to be three cities on each side of the river Jordan. One in the north, one in the south and one in the centre. This meant that the man running to them did not have to cross a mountain range or a river to get a place of safety. It would be no more than half a day's journey to any city of refuge no matter where a person lived. Signposts had to be kept clearly marked. The gates of the city of refuge were never closed. Even strangers who were not Jews, could run to them for safety.

Isn't that like Christ our great refuge? What do we need? Life, holiness, deliverance, fellowship, security, hope, heaven, eternal life as well as forgiveness. All these things are found in Jesus Christ and much more besides. God opened the door of salvation for the man needing it in the days of Joshua. Christ is the door now to all that we need. Can we ask God today to use us to show men and women the way to that door - the greatest door in all the world?

2008年6月29日 星期日

2008-06-29 Devotionals Today


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DAY 29

BIBLE READING: Joshua 18:1-10

The opening verse of this chapter marks an important point for the Children of Israel. It seems as though the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of God's presence, had remained most of the time at Gilgal and the people had returned there again and again. There was also altar on Mt Ebal on which Joshua had written the Ten Commandments (chapter 10).

But now the Tabernacle was to be set up. What a wonderful day of rejoicing that must have been. It would be like a church opening. During the wilderness wanderings, the Tabernacle had always been the centre of the camp with all the tribes camped around it. Now it was almost the same, as Shiloh was near the centre of the land they were possessing. Around the Tabernacle, as we find in the story of Eli and Samuel. Later in Solomon's time, a temple was built to replace the old Tabernacle. That of course was in Jerusalem.

Seven years of fighting lay behind them. God had been so good and faithful. Now it seemed they could settle down with Shiloh and the Tabernacle as their spiritual centre. Shiloh means 'peace' or 'rest'. It was the name given by Jacob to the coming Messiah. So this place became a type of Christ with his people gathered around him. Christ must always be the centre of our lives and our worship.

But Joshua had a strong word to say to some tribes. 'Some of you rejoicing here today have not yet really begun to possess the land God has given you. You can't stay here for ever at Shiloh. There is need back in your own home country and you haven't done anything about it.

These people were in the land God had promised, but did not know the full joy and experience of it all. Canaan was certainly better than the wilderness. But there was more that God had prepared for them and somehow they weren't entering into it.

That is true of many believers. They have been redeemed and are in fellowship with God's people, but still haven't entered into all that God has for them. Let's stop and ask ourselves today - where are we in spiritual experience? Still close to where we entered this new life? Or are we really growing in Christ?

2008年6月28日 星期六

2008-06-28 Devotionals Today


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DAY 28

BIBLE READING: Joshua 14: 6-15

Yesterday we were reading about the division of the land among the 12 tribes. Now suddenly the picture is interrupted by a grand old man of 85. He stepped out of the ranks of his tribe and boldly walked up to Joshua and asked for the biggest mountain anyone could see!

It didn't matter to Caleb that the mountain was still possessed by the Canaanites. He believed God was on his side and would give him what he had promised.

Imagine it! 85 years old and wanting to take on a whole mountain. He even said he was a man of war - at 85. But Caleb was different from all the others. He always had been. The passing years only seemed to make him grow stronger in faith and in spiritual vision. He shows us how some of the greatest things in life can take place even in old age and that there is no fixed retiring age in God's service. 'Sunset years' we sometimes call old age. But the sun is never more beautiful than when it is setting.

What did Caleb say? 'Give me this mountain.' 'But Caleb there are giant there.' 'So what!', 'So what!', says Caleb, 'God is greater than any fenced city'. 'But Caleb you are 85 now. 'What has that got to do with it?', asked Caleb. 'I have waited 45 years for this and now it is in sight. Now is God's time and my age doesn't with God.'

Some old people think they are forgotten. Caleb never let anyone forget him. He was a living example of what the New Testament says, 'though the outward man perish, the inward man is renewed day by day'.

What was the place Caleb wanted? It was the place Abraham had called Hebron. It was where Abraham was wonderfully blessed when God met him as he returned from Egypt. Caleb wanted that place. God had promised it to him and he wanted what God had promised.

Remember Caleb, the man with the vision of what God can do. He had a faith that believed God could do anything and a heart that would not be turned aside.

A Prayer:
Lord make us more like Caleb whether we are young or old.'

2008年6月27日 星期五




『天糧 100』仍需支持


還記得數個月前我們曾發起『天糧100』的呼籲嗎?有些同行者關心我們的經濟狀況有否因而改善,謝謝你們的關 心和代禱,也想借此機會和大家交代一下。

『天糧100』的回應,不及我們的期望。可能很多弟兄姊妹覺得寄支票很麻煩,甚至已經沒有支票簿了。這個我們 也是明白的,所以我們正準備增設供自動轉賬的奉獻方式。儘管『天糧100』反應不如預期,但我們畢竟得到一定數額的支持,可支撐數個月的支出。無論你是否 有奉獻,只要你曾經關心過這個活動,我都想說一聲感謝。

至於現時的經濟狀況,相信因為不少肢體盡力支援四川地震的緣故,我們近期的奉獻額急跌至從未試過的新低。畢竟 每人的收入有限,不可能無止境的加大奉獻數目;而面對四川地震的需要,我們的情況也算不得甚麼了。故此我們採取了節流的方式,七月中將會有一位同工離職, 其他同工會承擔餘下的工作,以及更借重義工的力量。幸好神為我們安排了很好的義工,他們有非常專業的技能,更有一顆不計較的心,付出自己的時間金錢為我們 配音、校對、上載文章、製作配圖、混音等等。沒有他們,國證網絡這幾名小子(其實是1名小子和2名小女子),實在連四份一的工作也作不成。所以神雖然沒有 在『天糧100』的活動上答應我們,卻有祂更美好的安排,實在感恩不盡。

而我們也藉著這個機會,重新檢視一次我們的運作,有那些地方可以更有效率、更有發展空間,以能騰出空間開展其 他計劃。我們仍在仰望七月份的供應,但並不因缺乏而停步,現正籌備數個新計劃,望能為教會及其他機構提供更適切的資源。請多為我們代禱。如你有興趣多知道 我們計劃中的事工,也歡迎以電郵和我們聯絡。




聖經時代的食物(終結篇)- 約亞拿杏仁粗蛋糕



2008-06-27 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持











DAY 27

BIBLE READING: Joshua 13: 1-7, 33

This chapter may not seem interesting, but it has some wonderful lessons for us. One of the most difficult problems for many Christians is to accept the place where God has put them, particularly their place of service. We all know stories of Christians in difficult places and we wonder why God has allowed them to remain there. Yet there is always the quiet assurance that God overrules for our good in spite of everything and that he has a place and plan for us.

Here in Joshua chapters 13 to 15 we have the tremendously interesting story of God placing his people in their various sections throughout the land of Canaan---the land he had promised to them. It continues right through to chapter 22. They had conquered large sections of the country and even though there was still quite a lot to be possessed God said, 'Divide it all by faith'. In chapter 18 you will see how Joshua had to stir up the people to complete the conquest, in spite of God's help and command to do just that.

The land was divided and the name of each section written down on a piece of stone or clay. Then the name of each tribe was written on another piece of stone or clay. Then the name of each tribe prayed asking God to guide in the selection of each tribe and the piece of land that tribe should have. This was called 'casting lots'. It was not like a lottery which is a selfish way of trying to get something by luck or chance. With lotteries there are few winners and many losers. God is not present nor does he guide the results. But with this division of land, each tribe was to receive their own portion. Proverbs 16:33 tells us that God guided in these choices and we can believe that he did.

It must have been a wonderful scene as Joshua and the elders carefully and prayerfully drew out each tribe's name and the name of each lot of land. Each tribe had to accept what God gave them. No tribe could say, 'We haven't been treated fairly'. If they did, they would be speaking against God. They would be saying, 'We know better than God'.

What is sorry? Is it fear that God won't give you what you want? Why not trust him to make decisions for you? After all he does know best, doesn't he?