2008年2月29日 星期五


Bible Reading: Ephesians 2: 11 – 22
讀經: 以弗所書二章11至22節

It is hard for us to understand how far apart the Jews in Paul's day were from those who were not Jews. The Jews had no dealing with Samaritans, nor anyone else who was not a Jew. Here in this passage Paul says we can not be one in Christ.


There used to be a wall in the Temple in Jerusalem which had a small door in it. Only Jews could go through that door. If a person who was not a Jew tried to go through, he would probably have been put to death. That wall was a very real dividing line.


But Paul says that wall has been broken down now through Christ. It means that all who belong to Jesus Christ are members of his body, no matter who they are or what colour they are. As the chorus says, 'Red or yellow, black or white, all are precious in his sight'. If you belong to Christ, you are my brother, my sister. We are all in the same family.


A question for you today. Is there anyone who is a fellow Christian who you are not willing to speak to? Is there anyone against whom you have wrong feelings in your heart? Is there anyone like that you know of? Remember that person is your brother, your sister in Christ. You will be living with them in heaven. Why not start to make friends with them and show to the world that you are really all one in Christ.


What did Christ say? 'Be this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one for another.'

