2008年2月29日 星期五


Bible Reading: Ephesians 1: 1 – 7
讀經: 以弗所書一章1至17節

The message or theme of the epistle to the Ephesians can be stated very simply, it is 'all that God has planned for the Church and for each believer'. We could add these words, 'and how that is seen in the daily lives of believers'.


Paul deeply longed that the Ephesian believers might know these things for themselves. If you read his two prayers in this letter (1: 15-23 & 3: 14-21) you will see what tremendous requests he made on their behalf. He wanted them to enter fully into all the blessings God had for them.


Where do all our blessings come from? We often sing 'Praise God from whom all blessings flow' don't we, and that is very true. Paul said in verse 3 of our reading, 'God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings'. Everything we have comes from God the Father and it comes to us through Christ. He is the channel.


You may have seen irrigation channels by which water is brought from a river or dam to the place where it is needed. Sometimes a huge gate has to be opened at the dam to let the water flow.


God has always loved us, but sin prevented the free flow of that love toward us. Then Christ died to take away sin (see v.7). When we accept Christ, God's love flows freely to us with all his blessings. Isn't that wonderful? Let's praise God today for everything he has done for us.

