2008年2月29日 星期五


bible Reading: Ephesians 4: 1 – 6

讀經: 以弗所書四章1至6節

In the first three chapters of Ephesians, Paul is telling us about our wonderful position in Christ. His theme has been 'all that God has planned for the Church and all the blessings God has for every individual believer'! Now in the next three chapters Paul says: 'since all of this is true and since you are a child of God, your life ought to show something of the life and character of Christ'.


In these chapters, Paul writes about our relationships with fellow Christians, our neighbours, our families and with those we work with. Paul says that our Christian life ought to be seen in all of these areas.


Just take some of the words Paul uses in verse 2 and put them alongside your life. For example what does 'humidity' mean. Beside everything else, it means that you don't want to be the centre of attention all the time. Children want that don't they? A Christian should be prepared to take second place or even last place. What does Paul say about Christ in Philippians 2:8? 'He humbled himself.' Shouldn't a Christian be prepared to do the same?


Long-suffering'. That is the spirit of Christ being seen in our lives when people criticise or say unkind things about us. If we will allow Christ to be seen, especially when we are right and they are wrong, we will be doing what Christ wants us to do.

'Forbearing one another'. Someone has said this means 'Lovingly putting up with all that is disagreeable in other people'. That's hard isn't it? We like to be with people who like us and who say nice things about us. But when people are disagreeable and don't do things the way we want, that is the time when the spirit of Christ in us should be clearly shown.


Are you willing to pray this prayer today? 'Lord please live your own lovely life in me so that others may see I belong to you.'

禱告: 「主啊,求你的愛充滿我,願我的生命流露出你的愛,以致別人看見你活在我的生命中。」
