2008年6月29日 星期日

2008-06-29 Devotionals Today


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DAY 29

BIBLE READING: Joshua 18:1-10

The opening verse of this chapter marks an important point for the Children of Israel. It seems as though the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of God's presence, had remained most of the time at Gilgal and the people had returned there again and again. There was also altar on Mt Ebal on which Joshua had written the Ten Commandments (chapter 10).

But now the Tabernacle was to be set up. What a wonderful day of rejoicing that must have been. It would be like a church opening. During the wilderness wanderings, the Tabernacle had always been the centre of the camp with all the tribes camped around it. Now it was almost the same, as Shiloh was near the centre of the land they were possessing. Around the Tabernacle, as we find in the story of Eli and Samuel. Later in Solomon's time, a temple was built to replace the old Tabernacle. That of course was in Jerusalem.

Seven years of fighting lay behind them. God had been so good and faithful. Now it seemed they could settle down with Shiloh and the Tabernacle as their spiritual centre. Shiloh means 'peace' or 'rest'. It was the name given by Jacob to the coming Messiah. So this place became a type of Christ with his people gathered around him. Christ must always be the centre of our lives and our worship.

But Joshua had a strong word to say to some tribes. 'Some of you rejoicing here today have not yet really begun to possess the land God has given you. You can't stay here for ever at Shiloh. There is need back in your own home country and you haven't done anything about it.

These people were in the land God had promised, but did not know the full joy and experience of it all. Canaan was certainly better than the wilderness. But there was more that God had prepared for them and somehow they weren't entering into it.

That is true of many believers. They have been redeemed and are in fellowship with God's people, but still haven't entered into all that God has for them. Let's stop and ask ourselves today - where are we in spiritual experience? Still close to where we entered this new life? Or are we really growing in Christ?
