2008年3月10日 星期一


Bible Reading: Luke 7: 36 – 50
How many parables did Jesus tell? Possibly about thirty-nine. Many of the best known are found in the gospel of Luke and a number of these are not in the other gospels. Often the stories in Luke were told around a dinner table.


These parables are so true to life that it would not be difficult to transfer them to this year and to our place of living. We can almost see them being acted out in front of us.


In the story we have just read there are three people. Two are in debt to the third. One owes a little, the other owes a lot. But both had nothing with which to pay their debts.


Can you imagine the scene as these two men come confessing that they cannot pay a penny and their tremendous joy when the man says, 'It's quite all right, I will forgive both of you'? What a surprising end to the story!


But it is not really the end. There is the application. Christ asked this question: 'Which man would love him the most?' His host, Simon, said, 'The one who owed the most'. Then Jesus went on, 'Do you see this woman Simon? She loves me because she knows the joy of sins forgiven. You don't really know that joy, Simon, because you don't realise your need. You are a sinner just like she is, but she has been forgiven. Why don't you ask for forgiveness too?'


We are not told what happened to Simon. He would have to overcome a lot of pride to seek the Saviour's forgiveness. But if he asked for it, he would have been immediately forgiven.


Have you asked for the forgiveness of your sins? If not, why not ask Christ to forgive you today?

