2008年3月6日 星期四


Bible Reading: Acts 13: 1 – 5

Here is another glimpse of the church at Antioch. We saw a few days ago how they enjoyed sound Bible teaching and were active in witnessing. Now we see something of their depth of prayer and their willing obedience when God called.


The church at Antioch was a praying church. But notice that they prayed not only when it was easy and convenient. Twice in these verses we read of 'fasting' which is going without food in order to spend more time in prayer. That means the sacrifice of personal appetites in order to pray.


Do we know very much of this? Our Lord was often so busy that to find the necessary time for prayer, he gave up his sleep. Do we know – does your church know – very much about that kind of sacrificial prayer?


Secondly, when God spoke to the church, they were immediately obedient. God asked for their best. He always does. He asked for Barnabas, the encourager, and Paul, the active leader in evangelism. It must have been quite a loss to the Antioch church to give up those two men. But they sent Paul and Barnabas out as their representatives and prayed for them as they went (v. 3).


Does your church stand in the need of greater blessing? Perhaps it should take a lesson from the Antioch church and spend more time in sacrificial prayer. Then if God speaks to your church, asking you to step out in his name, make sure your obedience is as ready and immediate as was theirs.



Should you personally be more like those at Antioch?


