2008年3月7日 星期五


Bible Reading: Acts 13: 6 – 12
When Paul and Barnabas set out on their first missionary journey, they met two men (vv. 6-7), one of whom welcomed them and the other opposed them. That seems to be the same today in many places doesn’t it? Paul spoke bluntly to the man who opposed him, but shared his faith warmly with the man who welcomed him.


Why did Paul rebuke Elymas so strongly? Because Elymas was standing in the way of another man coming to know Christ (v. 8). Have you ever noticed that the strongest, harshest words in the Bible were often spoken to those who stood in the way of others trusting God?


Christ never said a harsh word to a sinning man or woman, but he certainly spoke out against those who were supposed to lead men and women to God but failed to do so.


Paul’s hard words to Elymas made the deputy named Sergius Paulus stop and think again (v.12). He was a man with a hungry heart, an open ear and a believing faith, When he heard Paul speak about Christ, he accepted the truth and was born again. He was Paul’s first Gentile convert that we know about.


The two men must have become the best of friends and Paul even changed his name to the same as the man he had just led to Christ. There is a wonderful bond between friends who have helped each other in Christ. Who has been the means of blessing to you? Have you ever told them so? It might be a real encouragement to them. Why not do it today?



Thank God again for the one who first told you of Chris


