2008年3月12日 星期三


Bible Reading: Luke 12: 15 – 31
Here's another story Jesus told to a crowd after he had dinner in someone's house. Probably Jesus was outside the house because of the crowds that had gathered. Suddenly a man interrupted him with a strange request. He said, 'Master, make my brother give me what belongs to me'


Jesus refused to be drawn into this family quarrel, but pointed out the man's real trouble which was a desire for material things. Then Jesus told this story.


A rich man thought he had everything worked out nicely. He would be very comfortable for years ahead with all that he had. He also saw the need of building bigger barns to hold his crops. The world would have said he was smart and successful, but God said he had forgotten the most important thing of all, preparation for eternity.


Planning ahead is a wonderful idea, if we plan far enough ahead. If all we think of is this world and nothing of the next, we will suddenly find ourselves face to face with the next world before we are ready for it.


There is a question that has only one answer. Here is the question, 'How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?' – the salvation Jesus Christ offers? The answer is 'there is not escape'. We can only come to God through Jesus Christ.


Christ went on to say that the things of this world do have their place. God will see to it that we who trust in him have all we need when we need it.


Isn't he a wonderful God? He is willing to look after us now in this world and give us a place in the next world too. He has planned all this for us. Are you part of his plan or are you still making your own plans. If so are you planning far enough ahead?

