2008年12月31日 星期三

2008-12-31 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   利未記二十五章1至10節








Day 31

Bible Reading:   Leviticus 25:1-10
Here is one of the most wonderful pictures in the Old . Testament-the Sabbatical year and the Jubilee year. The I Sabbatical year came every seven years (v. 1-7). The land was not to be ploughed or sown that year. Certain debts were to be forgiven (Deut. 15:1-11) and there was to be the public reading I of God's law (Deut. 31 :10-13).

This year then was not only for the benefit of the land, but for the people as well. God's intention was not that the people should be idle for a whole year but that extra time should be given to the reading and studying of God's Word.

It also meant the exercise of faith. Look at verses 20-22. If the people obeyed the Lord, he would give them such an abundant harvest each sixth year that they would have sufficient to carry them through the seventh and on into the eighth year. Isn't it wonderful to have a God who can count?

The Jubilee year came every 50 years. It began with the Day of Atonement, which emphasised the basis of their year of rejoicing and redemption.

What a wonderful sound that Jubilee trumpet must have been to all the Children of Israel! Can you imagine the scene -the thrill, the expectancy, the laughter, the rejoicing.

It was a time of review, of return, of going back to the old , home. It was a time of rest and a time of revival, when God commanded blessing on his people (see v. 18, 22).

If only Israel had obeyed these beautiful provisions what a blessing they might have known. In one sense, life for Israel would have begun again every fifty years.

What are the lessons these years have for us? The book of Hebrews speaks of the 'rest' that God has planned for his people. It is a rest of faith which is available for every believer. A peace of mind and heart is ours because of what Christ has done for us. There is a resting in him, not trusting in ourselves or working or striving to keep ourselves in his love and care.

It is a day by day acceptance of what we have in Christ and by faith leaving our lives in his hands.
