2008年12月23日 星期二

2008-12-23 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   歌羅西書四章16至18節







Day 23

Bible Reading:   Colossians 4:16-18
Who was Archippus, mentioned in verse 17? We are not told very much about him. He may have been the son of Philemon and Apphia. He possibly was the pastor of the church at Laodicea. Someone has said 'The exact ministry of Archippus is unknown, and therefore the lesson of his life is directed to everyone because it includes everyone'.

Why did Paul write in this way? Perhaps he knew that Archippus had a tendency to settle down in comfort and to take things easy. Paul very often stirred people to get on with their work and to be active for Christ while there is time.

It must have been quite a shock for Archippus to hear his name mentioned in this way. Did he react first of all in anger or did he realise his need of this word? What was the result? A renewing in his own soul?

What is your ministry? Is it preaching? Is it visiting? Is it caring for the family? Is it one of helping? How energetically are you working? How cheerfully? How prayerfully? Remember it is your ministry, not someone else's.

Paul says 'fulfil it'. The word means to fill it full. Look at the opportunity for service which you have and consider it a cup or a vessel and pour into it all your life, all your being, all your being's ransomed powers. We are so half-hearted in our service for Christ. Christ wants wholehearted, brimful service, and overflowing faithfulness.

Are we lazy or careless? Have we begun to settle down and to do as little as we can? Have we allowed other things to crowd out our wholehearted service for Christ? Business, home, sport, friends or what? Do we need to take notice of the blunt words which Paul wrote to Archippus?

Read verse 17 again and ask the Lord to help you fulfil your ministry to the utmost. Remember our service is 'in the Lord'. It is by his power, for his glory, with his strength that we are to serve him. Read 1 Corinthians 15:58 and be encouraged today that your labour is never in vain in the Lord.
