How do we grow in Christ? We need spiritual food found in God's Word. We also must have the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in us. What is being seen in your life and my life each day? Is it self or Christ? Where the Holy Spirit is allowed to do His work, Christ will be seen through the manifestation of His character and His love. Look at Galatians 4:19. Christ is already in our hearts but it is His character and His likeness that must be formed and seen. As we allow the Holy Spirit to have his way in us each day, He will reproduce the "fruit of the Spirit" which really is the likeness of Christ. A good analogy is to think of how a chicken is formed in an egg. At first it is only a tiny speck within the egg. However given the right conditions, that speck will grow, day by day until the shell is filled with a whole living chicken. We could say that the Holy Spirit wants to maintain the conditions which will develop the character of Christ in us. This will only be completed when we get to Heaven. The true evidence of the presence and work of the Holy Spirit is how much of Christ can be seen in each life. The Holy Spirit is our "unseen guest". He does not draw attention to Himself but keeps the spotlight on Jesus Christ. This is not the only work of the Spirit but we are thinking about our growth in Christ and His part in this transformation both when we are converted and after our conversion. Are we allowing Him to do His continuous work? A morning prayer, "Lord Jesus, I give myself to you this day so that the Holy Spirit can have His way in me ." |