What are some of the signs which show that a home is a Christian one? Would anyone visiting your home know that Christ actually dwells in the people living there? It would be easy to reply. Well, we have texts on our walls. We have Christian books and literature around everywhere. We say grace before our meals. But are those things the real evidences of Christ's presence? Or are they the by-products? How is the presence of Christ really seen in a home? When Christ is in a home, salvation is there. Jesus made a very illuminating statement concerning the home of Zaccheus. Sitting in that man's home Christ said, 'Today salvation has come to this house.' (Luke 19:9) A Christian home is where the members of the family have entered into a saving relationship with Christ. This may have happened after the marriage. In most cases, however, it begins before and Christ is recognised as the Head of the home. That is the ideal. Where a Christian marries a non-Christian, the home will never be what it could be until both partners find Christ. A Christian home sees prayer being constantly offered. In Luke 24:30, Christ naturally prayed before they were to eat. It was like family worship, something that the whole family should participate in. As someone has said, 'The family that prays together stays together.' When Christ is in a home, there will be real love for each other and for the Lord's people. Ephesians 5:25 speaks to husbands: 'Love your wives as Christ loved the church.' That is quite a standard. It also becomes a wonderful example. If the family sees the father's love for the mother, it will be easier for them to love each other in the same way. When Christ is in the home, the home can be truly complete. How does your home measure up to God's instructions? Ask God to help you make it what He wants it to be. |