Who is the third most mentioned man in the New Testament? The order is - Christ, Paul, then Abraham. He is important to Christians, Jews and Moslems. Christians are related to Abraham by their faith. (Gal.3:7) Jews are related to him through Isaac. The Moslems claim relationship through Ishmael. In the epistle to the Galatians, Paul's arguments for salvation through faith are based largely on the life, example and faith of Abraham, 400 years or more before the giving of the law. Abraham has much to say to us today. When God first called Abraham, he was living in the city of Ur on the Euphrates River about 275 km. south of Babylon. Ur was a very wealthy city, and was at the height of its prominence around the time Abraham lived there. We are not told how God appeared to him or spoke to him. In Acts 7, Stephen simply says, 'The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham.' What three things was Abraham told to leave behind? His country, his people and his father's house. God's purpose in removing Abraham from his home in Ur was to make a new start with a new nation - the Jews. God wanted this new nation to be a channel of witness and blessing to the world and to be the race through whom His Son could come. They failed completely in the former purpose but Christ did come through the Jewish race and the line of Judah, the great grandson of Abraham. How does God speak to us today? He speaks through His Word, the Bible. There is an inner voice also which comes from the indwelling Holy Spirit. We need to listen as we read and be quiet before God as we pray. He may use one of the many examples seen in biographies of Old Testament heroes or New Testament saints. Let's be careful to see and hear what He want us to learn. 'I AM LISTENING LORD TO THEE, WHAT HAVE YOU TO SAY TO ME?' |