There were four stages in Jonah's experiences after God called him. First there was disobedience, secondly there was discipline, then decision and finally deliverance. What a contradiction - a prophet of God being disobedient to God's call to speak on His behalf. If anyone should have wanted to obey God it should have been a Jewish prophet, one of the race for whom God had done so much. But can we criticize any of them when our obedience isn't all that it should be? Everything seemed to be right for Jonah - he found a ship going where he wanted to go, they had room for him and he had the money for the fare. But it wasn't what God wanted. God let him go his own way but when he was comfortably settled God acted. God spoke and His voice was a storm. The sailors were terrified. The captain woke Jonah asking him to call on his God and see what he could do. The crew believed someone was to blame for this terrifying storm. Finally it came down to Jonah as the culprit. What could they do with him? Throwing him overboard is the only way. They tried everything else first but at last they had to do it. It is interesting that they prayed as they did it. (v.14) The sea closed over Jonah and as far as the crew knew, that was the end of the story. It would have been except that Jonah's God was working below the surface of the sea. God had deliverance ready for His disobedient servant. Why? Because God loved Jonah. God also wanted to teach Jonah what kind of a God He is, and He still wanted him to speak to Ninevah. Why does God deal with us in discipline? For the same reasons He dealt with Jonah in that way. He wants us to do His revealed will. He wants to use us to reach others with His love and mercy. Watch what God is doing in your life. You may see why He is doing it. |