Here is one of the most well known stories in the Bible, although it has only 48 verses - about 1,300 words. It has been called an allegory, a parable, or history. Christ spoke of Jonah as a true story on several occasions. We know only a little about Jonah but we are able to build up quite a lot about him from his attitude and experiences. It is the story of a man who didn't care very much about people but it is also a story about a caring God. One of its purposes was to show that God's mercy was not confined to the Jewish race. The man God called to speak for Him was already a prophet in Israel, possibly near or just after the time of Elisha. (See 2 Kings 14:25) God had spoken to Israel through Jonah and had dealt mercifully with them. Now God wanted a messenger to warn the heathen city of Ninevah of coming judgment. The call God gave seems sudden, almost abrupt, but at the same time very clear: 'Go to the great city of Ninevah and preach against it.' (v.1) It was a clear call that included both direction and details of the need. No other prophet we know of was called in the same way. But God is not limited and He knows how to speak to each one of us. The answer God received was not what we might expect. Jonah immediately left town and went in the opposite direction - west instead of north-east to Ninevah. Our reading says: 'But Jonah ran away from the Lord.' (v.3) Can you really do that? You can certainly get away from fellowship with the Lord but you cannot hide from God. Disobedience may mean we lose the sense of God's presence but He is still with us and will use every means possible to bring us back into blessing. Tomorrow we will see how God dealt with Jonah for just that very purpose. GOD'S CALL REVEALS GOD'S WILL FOR OUR SERVICE FOR HIM. |