How long will your salvation last? The answer is "for all eternity". But almost every believer has occasional doubts. Satan ensures that we doubt but our certainty comes from believing in the Word of God. What does Jesus Christ say? Look again at verse 24. A true believer is the one who has heard, accepted, and believed in the word of Christ, and has allowed it to penetrate into his/her heart, mind, and soul. Three major events take place when we believe in Christ. They are more than "fringe benefits". They are absolute certainties and are ours now. First, according to John 5:24, a believer receives a new possession: eternal life. This is a new relationship with God which lasts forever. Jesus also says in John 17:3, "This is eternal life, that they might know you, the only true God." Next, a true believer has a new provision: he/she will never be condemned. We will never be called to stand before the Judgment Seat of God as a guilty sinner. We all will face the Judgment Seat of Christ for rewards, but not for our sins. Jesus bore that judgment at Calvary. Then a true believer has a new position: he/she has crossed over from death into life. Death means separation. Spiritual death is separation from God. But we are now in a new living relationship with the Father which we will never lose. If you have heard what Christ had said, and believed and accepted it, you have all three of these gifts and they are yours for all eternity. Why not thank Christ again now for all that His death has made possible for you? Keep on thanking Him now and always and on through eternity. |