2008年11月30日 星期日

2008-11-30 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持





讀經:   以賽亞書四十章12-18節、25、26節







Day 30

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 40:12-18, 25, 26
One of the most thrilling songs that has been written in recent years is known by one line 'How great thou art'. Something of the same thought comes to us as we read these verses. You could read this whole chapter today. You would be thrilled and blessed by all that it has to say about our God.

Notice verse 12. What is as vast as the ocean? What is greater than space? What is the weight of the earth and the mountains? Yet God is greater than all these things. In fact he created them all.

Who told God how to create the earth? No-one! And he did not need any help. It was only later that he created man to enjoy what God had already brought into being.

What about the so-called mighty nations of the earth? Did you ever see one drop of water falling from the edge of an otherwise empty bucket? That little drop is what the mighty nations are really like in comparison with the power of God. Look at verse 26. God is so great he calls all the stars by their separate names. Yet astronomers tell us that there are more than 100 million different systems of stars with enormous distances between them. It is beyond our imagination to think of travelling to them. Yet God keeps everyone of them in place. Not one is missing.

Does that mean God is so great he can't be bothered with caring for you and me? Turn back to verse 11. Think through the beautiful picture given to us of the loving kindness and care of our God. We are told he will care for his children like a shepherd cares for his sheep, meeting every need. He will give special care to the Iambs-the young ones. In fact he will carry them when they need to be carried. For those who have special needs he will give special attention. He will be gentle with them all.

Isn't it a blessing to your heart to think of the gentleness of God? Has God ever dealt with you harshly? He may have disciplined you but he did it in love as you did it for your children. You thanked him for it afterwards, didn't you? This is our God-so great, there is no-one greater, so loving, there is no-one kinder. Thank him today for what he is.

2008年11月29日 星期六

2008-11-29 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書四十章3至8節

我們若想知道有甚麼石頭擋路,主必告訴我們。辛普森(A. B. Simpson)曾經說過:「我們若想知道有甚麼石頭攔路,以致妨礙我們得到完全的祝福,神必向我們顯明,更賜我們力量去把它們一一清除。然後,祂便會進入我們的心裡,透過我們的心,去把祂豐盛的祝福帶進另一個人的心中。」




Day 29

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 40:3-8
We read these verses yesterday, but there is another word for us in them for today. The Lord is coming. Those words refer to more than his first coming or his second coming.

There is spiritual teaching here for us. If the Lord is going to come in all his fullness into our hearts, there is a work of preparation that must be done. God is waiting to do it, if we will allow him. The stumbling blocks to blessing must be removed and the way for the Lord prepared.

If we want to know what these stumbling blocks are, the Lord will show us. A. B. Simpson said, 'If we want to know, God will show us what hinders the fullness of blessing and he will make us both willing and able to put it aside. Then he will come into our hearts and through our hearts into the hearts of others in the fullness of his blessing.'

God spoke of the valleys first-the low places. Are there places in our lives which should be raised to higher levels of fellowship and obedience? Are there crooked, twisted places which need to be made straight? Twisting the will of God to make it fit our own wills is called iniquity in God's Word.

Are there rough places that rub against other people and which need to be made smooth? The Lord will do this if we let him. Is there strife and strain with fellow- Christians? Is there neglect of the Word of God and prayer? Are we robbing God in our giving? Are any of these the stumbling blocks to blessing?

What would happen if they were taken away? The glory of the Lord would be revealed (v. 5). How do we know this? The mouth of the Lord has spoken it. The remaining verses tell us how wonderful and how faithful is that same Word of the Lord. The grass of our fields and pastures withers away within a year or less. How true this is. Flowers that looked so beautiful yesterday are withered and brown tomorrow. Everything belonging to man is temporary-BUT, and here is the wonderful promise of these verses, THE WORD OF OUR GOD STANDS FOR EVER.

2008年11月28日 星期五

2008-11-28 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書四十章1至8節




早在以色列民要面對被擄之苦的很久之前,先知以賽亞便預告了神的赦免和安慰。亨利(Matthew Henry)在他的注釋中指出:「神在百姓經歷被擄之前,神便已經賜給他們寶貴的應許,讓它成為他們痛苦中的力量和安慰。我們試想像一下,當他們置身在黑暗歲月的時候,這預言將會在他們的心中發出何等榮耀的光輝;當他們在巴比倫的河邊痛哭的時候,這應許如何能抹乾他們的眼淚。」




Day 28

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 40:1-8
The remaining chapters of Isaiah contain some of the most wonderful passages in the Bible. They speak of the greatness of God the Father, the ministry of God the Son and the outpouring of God the Holy Spirit.

This amazing 40th chapter looks forward to the return of the Children of Israel from Babylon-a return that was still almost 200 years ahead. Isaiah projects himself to the end of a captivity that had not yet begun. He speaks also of the coming and ministry of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, and of Christ himself.

One of the most helpful messages anyone can give is a message of comfort when it is needed. God is often spoken of in the Bible as the one who comforts his children. He is the God of all-comfort and the God of all-grace. In other words he offers grace to meet every need.

The first condition for receiving comfort is that sin must be dealt with and put away. Verse 1 speaks of comfort and verse 2 tells Israel her sin has been pardoned. God's Word teaches constantly that there can be no fellowship and therefore no comfort while sin, guilt and fear hang between us and God.

Isaiah prophesied these words long before the time they speak of. Can you see how that is just like God? Matthew Henry comments: 'Before God sent his people into captivity he furnished them with precious promises for their support and comfort in their trouble. We may well imagine of what great use the glorious light of this prophecy was to them in that dark and cloudy day and how much it helped to dry up their tears by the waters of Babylon.

Isn't that just what God does for us today? Before an event happens, the Lord graciously prepares us for it and often gives us a promise that will see us through whatever may come. So whatever your circumstances claim his promises, believe his Word. He will see you through.

REMEMBER: God keeps all his promises to those who obey him.

2008年11月27日 星期四

2008-11-27 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書三十七章21至23節,30至38節







Day 27

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 37:21-23, 30-38
Yesterday we read that Hezekiah had received a letter from the King of Assyria threatening to destroy the city of Jerusalem. Do you remember how Hezekiah dealt with it? He took the letter and spread it out before the Lord asking God to answer it himself.

Now God sent Isaiah to Hezekiah with the answer to the letter and to Hezekiah's prayer. We could call this the 'Deliverance of Faith'.

How was God going to answer? How was his power to be sent? Firstly God judged the King of Assyria's pride and the fact that he dared to speak against the city of Jerusalem, God's own chosen place. God mentions in verses 24,25 how the king thought he had done everything himself, not realising that God had been using him to accomplish God's purposes (v. 26, 27). Now because the king had become arrogant and full of pride, God was going to deal with him.

God made two promises-one to his people and one to the king of Assyria. Both were remarkably fulfilled.

God promised his people that he would watch over them and care for them and provide every need (v. 30, 31). There is a beautiful picture in verse 31. Israel would 'take root downward and bear fruit upward'. Isn't that still our need today? Don't we need to take root more and more deeply in Christ and the things of God and then see the results in the fruit of the Spirit showing itself in our lives? What a great example that is for us.

Then God promised that the King of Assyria would never enter Jerusalem (v. 33). He would go back along the road that he came and would never be allowed to attack the city because God was defending it. God's honour and his name were at stake. God will always defend his name. It is still the same today. We can claim victory from God on the basis of his name and the fact we bear that name as his children.

The final fulfilment of God's judgment on the heathen king did not come for a few years-possibly even 20-but God's Word is always fulfilled. Hezekiah found help in God, while the King of Assyria found only defeat.

2008年11月26日 星期三

2008-11-26 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書三十七章14至20節






Day 26

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 37:14-20
Is it really worthwhile to trust in God? Does God really answer prayer? In this story (chapters 36-38) we find one of the great answers in the Bible to these questions. This incident can teach us how much God will do for a child of his who prays. The verses we have read are the heart of the story.

Hezekiah had received a letter from the King of Assyria saying that he would return later to destroy Jerusalem. Hezekiah did not try to answer the letter. He took it into the Temple and spread it out before the Lord. He asked God to deal with the situation. Experience had shown how tremendously powerful the King of Assyria was and human wisdom would have said, 'It's no use-just do what he asks'. Satan very often says that to God's people today.

What did Hezekiah do (v.14)? He went up into the house of God to pray. Faith turns to God immediately and instinctively. It was Hezekiah who wrote the 46th Psalm which begins 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble'.

Notice how Hezekiah asked God to do certain things. He did not just say 'Lord do whatever you can'. He recognised the greatness of God. He asked God to hear his prayer. He told God the problem and then said, 'Lord deal with these people and do it now'. God answered Hezekiah and honoured his faith.

Have there been circumstances like this in your life, perhaps even today? Is there something facing you for which you do not have the answer? Take it to the Lord in faith and prayer. Spread the whole matter out before him. Ask him to deal with it.

Don't listen to the voice of Satan. He will say 'It's no use-you may as well give it all up. God doesn't listen to you. He won't answer.' Satan is so very clever in putting thoughts like these in our minds.

But the Christian must, as Hezekiah did, put the whole creation in God's hands and watch him answer. Why not do that right now?

2008年11月25日 星期二

2008-11-25 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持



粵語 國語


讀經:   以賽亞書二十五章1至4、8、9節








Day 25

Bible Reading:   Isaiah 25:1-4, 8, 9
In the previous ten chapters Isaiah has been telling how God was going to deal with the various nations around Israel. Now he breaks out in a song which is really a testimony. It is spoken on behalf of Israel but is also very personal from the heart of Isaiah himself.

However Israel could only sing these verses when it had come to truly recognise God-what he is-who he is and that his Son is Jesus Christ. So it is with us. Only when we come to recognise Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord does he put a new song in our hearts, even praise to our God.

These words were spoken out of deep gratitude to God for all he had done and was going to do. We could put the first two verses out of our own experience something like this:

'Oh Lord I want to tell you again that you and you alone are my God. I want to praise you for all you have meant to me and all you have done for me. I can see now all that you have been doing. You made your plan for my life long ago and you have been working it out day by day even when I could not see or tell what you were doing. Thank you for your faithfulness.'

Is that your testimony today? You may not have understood all that God was doing but you have come to trust him. As you look back you can see the way his hand has led. His one purpose has been to lead you closer to himself.

Many Bible teachers believe that Israel will yet come to this place of recognition of God as their God and that they will yet sing this song from Isaiah. But what about ourselves? Can we make these words our own today? Can we in a fresh way put our trust in the God who loves us and wants our good knowing he will only allow what is for our best and for his glory.


I am trusting thee Lord Jesus, trusting only thee.