2008年11月13日 星期四

2008-11-13 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   羅馬書一章18至23節









Day 13

Bible Reading:   Romans 1:18-23
How can men who do not have a Bible ever know about God? Verse 18 says God feels angry with those who will not admit his existence but go on in their own sinful ways.

But how can men know there is a God? Verse 19 says God made it plain to men that he existed. How? By his acts of creation. The world around us was obviously made by someone. Such a being must be powerful and intelligent to do all that.

If you were in a place where it appeared as if no-one lived and then you came across a house that was well kept and had a beautiful garden, you would say 'someone does live here'.

You would not know their name or anything about them but you could truthfully say 'Someone built this house. Someone planted this garden.'

How would you find out more about them? By going and asking, by becoming friends with them, by learning their name and seeing them for yourself.

In the same way, if men would only accept the fact that someone has made this world, with all its riches, oceans, rivers, mountains and seasons, then they would at least begin to believe there is a God behind it all. 'There is enough light coming to us through the world of nature that should have kept ancient man from idolatry and modern man from atheism.'

Then how would anyone find out more about God? By asking him to reveal himself more clearly to them. God will always answer that kind of prayer.

Long ago men turned their backs on God. They were not thankful to him for anything he had done (v. 21). More than that they made their own idols and even said that four footed beasts were their gods. Is it any wonder that God has turned away from them and let them go their own way?

Can we ask God today to keep us from ever being unthankful to him or ever wanting our own way instead of his?
