2008年11月15日 星期六

2008-11-15 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   羅馬書三章9至12節,19至23節
人若離棄了神,會變成怎樣的光景呢?保羅在這裡主要引用了詩篇中的14 句話,來回答這個問題。我們能找出這些經文的出處嗎?








Day 15

Bible Reading:   Romans 3:9-12; 19-23
What is man really like, apart from God? Paul answers that question in about 14 sentences, mostly quotations from the book of Psalms. Can you separate the various statements?

Firstly Paul says that man is unrighteous. He is not able to do what God says is right and proper to do. Man would never be able to stand before God without Christ's righteousness.

Sometimes people say, 'There are people who are a lot worse than I am', and that may be true. But none of us are good enough to stand before a holy God.

In verse 11 Paul says that man by himself lacks understanding. Man may know a great deal but if he cannot see what God is trying to tell him, then his knowledge has not helped him at all.

Every phrase in this section describes and condemns man. The conclusion is repeated 'There is none who does good, there is not even one'. Verse 18 says that such a man does not fear God, because he will not acknowledge God.

Paul further states in verse 20 that no-one can be saved by trying to keep the law of the Old Testament. The law is like a mirror which can show us a dirty spot on our face but the mirror can't wash it off. Something else must do that.

The law shows up our sin and its purpose is to show us how far short we fall of God's standards. This is why Christ came to meet our need. His life was perfect. His death paid the penalty for our sin. Now we can be accepted before God, not by any right of our own, but by the righteousness of Christ.

Stop and think about the goodness and love of God. He demanded righteousness. He provided it for us in Jesus Christ. He demanded that a penalty be paid for our sin, but he paid it himself in the person of his Son. Isn't that tremendous? Isn't that good news?
