2008年11月17日 星期一

2008-11-17 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   羅馬書五章1至11節









Day 17

Bible Reading:   Romans 5:1-11
Paul now begins to deal with the results of salvation. In chapter 4 we saw the happiness that comes to a man who has been forgiven. Paul then mentions the peace that comes into a heart that has found Christ.

This is one of the results of being accepted by God in Jesus Christ. For example, there are many people who have struggled with a guilty conscience. Their lives have been full of conflict because of it. Now they discover that God's peace has flooded their soul and they are at rest.

Then Paul states that there are further results of having put our faith in Jesus Christ. Since coming to Christ and finding new life, we have a different attitude toward testings and trials. Now we can accept them as being for a definite purpose. Testings will help us grow and that means the further development of our Christian character.

All of this strengthens our hope in Christ. We will never be disappointed in Christ because of the certainty of his love. This is made real to us by the indwelling Spirit of God.

All these things are the result of our salvation in Christ. Paul moves back to the wonder of it in verses 6-8. Here is the proof of the love of God. It wasn't because we were good that God loved us. He loved us when we were sinners in his sight. Paul calls us God's enemies in verse 10. Yet God loved us even so.

Isn't that wonderful? It was the death of God's Son that reconciled us to God. But Christ is alive again and his work today is to help maintain us in our Christian walk. It is his intercessory prayer at the throne of God that keeps us in the time of temptation and testing.

Why not stop and praise God for all he has done? Ask him to make his peace real to you day by day and to help you understand how he is working in your life continuously.

A VERSE FOR TODAY: 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.'
