How many word pictures, figures of speech or comparisons did Paul use in his letters to the various churches? There are almost too many to count. Why? He did so simply to help his readers understand more clearly their wonderful position in Christ. Here he is saying that the 'Gospel makes us sons not slaves'. But we are not like children who are too young to enter into adult privileges. We have all of them now. Under the Law, the Old Testament saints were like young children. They knew salvation only by promise and not in full experience as we do. However, they certainly could be happy and know God's blessing. Read the Psalms and you will see that. Then God's Son came - at the time God had previously appointed. He had a human mother, in fact a Jewish mother so he was subject to the Old Testament law. He fulfilled that law and then died on the cross for those who could not keep the law themselves. Now, through his death, the way is open for men and women to become true sons of God. When a person accepts Christ, God sends His Holy Spirit into that life. The Holy Spirit immediately begins to witness to our hearts that now God is our Father and wants to teach us how to act as God's children. The Holy Spirit has come to make real to us all that have been made possible through Jesus Christ. Who could ever think of a greater, better and more complete plan of salvation? It is ours through faith in Christ. Why not thank God again today for all of this? Read v. 9 again. You know God. Better still, God knows you. Isn't that wonderful? Live like God's child today. |