Yesterday we saw how in Christ we are free from condemnation both now and when we get home to Heaven. Now in these verses we can learn again the truth about our old nature with which we were born. It is often called the flesh. It controlled us before we came to Christ. It still wants to do so and to have its own way. It is like a power which wants to turn us away from God and His will for our lives. But there is a new life and a new power within us now, the Holy Spirit's power. This power can overcome the strength of the old nature. Look at the difference. Read the words of verse 6 again "The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." Instead of the struggle and frustration in chapter seven, we can rest quietly in the control and power of the Holy Spirit. An illustration that is often used is that of an aircraft. The law of gravity would keep the plane on the ground or pull it back down. But the flow of air over the wings and their design create a new power, a new force which overcomes the pull of gravity. It is the law of aerodynamics. As long as we stay in the aircraft, we enjoy that new power and lift. So it is with us. As we walk, as we live or as we rest in the Holy Spirit's presence and power, we will not be controlled by the strength and pull of our old nature. God considers the power of the old nature to have been broken when Jesus died. Then when we accepted Christ, that victory became ours. Are we living on the victory side? We can. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit living within. Why not allow Him to do the work He came to do? A VERSE FOR TODAY: "The mind controlled by the (Holy) Spirit is life and peace." (Romans 8:6) |