There are two sides to the answer of the above question. One is positive. The other is negative. God's positive standard is always seen in the person of Jesus Christ. We are to be like Him in our character and behaviour. A book written by Charles Sheldon many years ago has helped and challenged many Christians. Its title is simple - "In His steps or what would Jesus do?" Even then it is not always easy to decide what Jesus wants us to do and we all make mistakes. But as we look to Him, His help is always near in the person of the Holy Spirit. On the negative side, we are plainly told not to live by the world's standards. When we accepted Jesus Christ, we came out from a world which does not know Him and we entered a new kingdom. That means a new different standard of conduct as we have seen. Now our standard is Christ. The New Testament has some strong words on this point. Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world". The well-known paraphrase by J. B. Phillips expresses it well, "Don't let the world squeeze you into its mould." The pattern for our lives has changed dramatically. The New Testament sees the world as a real peril and hindrance to our Christian life. What is meant by the "world"? It is that part of our culture and society, which is not under the rule of Christ and is actively opposed to Him. Satan is the head of that world. You can easily see that the standards of that world could not be the standards of a follower of Jesus Christ. However, to be separated from that world does not mean to be isolated from it. We are here to be a witness for Christ but we are not to follow its pathways. REMEMBER: We are separated from the world, so that we can be separated unto Christ. |