Can you imagine David in Saul's armour? Saul was the tallest man in Israel. His armour would have been size XXL and David was only a teenager or in his early twenties. Saul's armour was made of the same metals out of which Goliath's armour was made. David realized something else would be needed if the giant was to be overcome. As he approached Goliath, what did he say? "You come to me with sword and spear ...but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied." It seems an incredible encounter. A young man with a staff in one hand, a sling in the other, is running quickly to fight this giant warrior. But look again at verse 50 "David triumphed over the Philistine ...without a sword in his hand". What was his secret weapon? God was with him. He recognized the battle was the Lord's and God honoured his faith. We have the same weapons today when facing impossible circumstances. God is on our side and we are on His side if we are trusting in Christ as Saviour. Also remember David's victory was Israel's victory. Every Israelite became a conqueror that day because of David's victory. What does all this say to us? Christ's victory is our victory. God wants us to accept that principle. He wants us to share in that victory, and to know it's experience day by day. Like the Philistines who came back later again and again, in the same way Satan will not admit defeat. But victory over him is ours in Christ. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Christ has given us the victory. Are we enjoying it? Are we experiencing it? |