讀經: 約翰福音十三章31至38 節 31他既出去,耶穌就說:如今人子得了榮耀,神在人子身上也得了榮耀。 32神要因自己榮耀人子,並且要快快的榮耀他。 33小子們,我還有不多的時候與你們同在;後來你們要找我,但我所去的地方你們不能到。這話我曾對猶太人說過,如今也照樣對你們說。 34我賜給你們一條新命令,乃是叫你們彼此相愛;我怎樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣相愛。 35你們若有彼此相愛的心,眾人因此就認出你們是我的門徒了。 36西門彼得問耶穌說:主往那裡去?耶穌回答說:我所去的地方,你現在不能跟我去,後來卻要跟我去。 37彼得說:主阿,我為甚麼現在不能跟你去?我願意為你捨命! 38耶穌說:你願意為我捨命麼?我實實在在的告訴你,雞叫以先,你要三次不認我。 |
你有沒有留意,這幾節經文包含了三個獨立的重點?首先,是基督渴望神得著榮耀。其次,是基督吩咐門徒要彼此相愛。最後,是基督明確提醒彼得他將會跌倒。每個重點都可以帶給我們很深的啟發;不過,我們今天只會看看最後一點給予我們的反思。 我們一定記得,彼得在五旬節後滿有能力地為主作工;可惜,我們也一定記得,他曾經三次不認主。他後來得著主的赦免和挽回,實在是新約之中,最讓人激勵的一件事。然而,彼得為何會三次不認主呢?以下是三個可能的原因: 彼得過於自信。我們相信,彼得是出於真誠地說出37節所記的那句話,可是,他卻不曉得自己的軟弱。他不知道自己會被一時之間的恐懼所控制而背信棄義。 此外,按照馬可福音十四章54節的記載,當基督在客西馬利園被人捉拿的時候,彼得並沒有緊緊地跟隨主,他只是「遠遠的」跟著。我們也深深地知道,當我們不緊靠基督的時候,我們就很容易在試探中跌倒。 最後一個原因,是彼得走到爐火中間取暖,卻不察覺圍著爐邊的人,都是攻擊基督的敵人;面對他們的嚴詞質詢和嚴厲指控,他才發現自己招架不來──在他未及制止自己之前,那矢口不認基督的話已經衝口而出。 讓我們小心反思上述這三個原因,在我們身上也會發現這些毛病嗎?我們過往的失敗,也可以用上述的其中一個原因來解釋嗎?無論如何,我們都要把基督對彼得的嚴詞警告引以為鑒,把它看作是基督給予我們各人的深刻提醒。 牢記: 當彼得再次面對復活了的基督,他便得著基督的赦免。 |
Bible Reading: John 13: 31 - 38 31 So, when he had gone out, Jesus said, "Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him. 32 If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately. 33 Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, 'Where I am going, you cannot come,' so now I say to you. 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." 36 Simon Peter said to Him, "Lord, where are You going?" Jesus answered him, "Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward." 37 Peter said to Him, "Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for Your sake." 38 Jesus answered him, "Will you lay down your life for My sake? Most assuredly, I say to you, the rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times. |
Did you notice there are at least three separate emphases in these few verses? Firstly, there is Christ's desire that God will be glorified. Secondly, his commandment to us all to love one another. Lastly, his very clear warning to Peter. Each one of these three points has deep meaning for us, but today let's look briefly at the last words, the warning to Peter. It seems a pity that we remember Peter almost as much by his denial as we do by his mighty work after Pentecost. His restoration is one of the most encouraging stories in the New Testament. But why did that denial ever take place? Here are three possible reasons: Peter was foolishly self-confident. He meant every word he said (v. 37) but he didn't know his own weaknesses. He didn't realise how suddenly fear of man can take hold of us and bring us down. Then when Christ was taken prisoner in the Garden, Peter did not openly put himself close to Christ, but followed 'afar off' according to Mark 14:54. We know ourselves when we are not close to Christ, we often fail too when temptation comes. The final reason was that when he found himself at a fire among those who were the enemies of Christ, their company proved too much for him. When they questioned him and accused him of being Christ's disciple, the terrible words of denial flowed from his lips before he could stop them. Think carefully over those three reasons. Do any of them apply to you, to me? Are any of them the explanation of failure in our lives? If so they have a message for us today that is a solemn warning to us even as Christ warned Peter so long ago. REMEMBER: Peter found forgiveness when he came face to face with his risen Saviour and Lord.