讀經: 使徒行傳十三章6至12節 6經過全島,直到帕弗,在那裡遇見一個有法術,假充先知的猶太人,名叫巴耶穌。 7這人常和方伯士求保羅同在。士求保羅是個通達人,他請了巴拿巴和掃羅來,要聽神的道。 8只是那行法術的以呂馬(這名翻出來就是行法術的意思)敵擋使徒,要叫方伯不信真道。 9掃羅又名保羅,被聖靈充滿,定睛看他, 10說:你這充滿各樣詭詐奸惡,魔鬼的兒子,眾善的仇敵,你混亂主的正道還不止住麼? 11現在主的手加在你身上,你要瞎眼,暫且不見日光。他的眼睛立刻昏蒙黑暗,四下裡求人拉著手領他。 12方伯看見所做的事,很希奇主的道,就信了。 |
保羅和巴拿巴終於出發,開始他們的第一次宣教旅程。他們在途中遇到兩個人(6至7節),一個邀請他們來向自己講解道理,但另一個卻敵擋他們。今天的情況豈不是一樣?有人喜歡聽神的道,有人卻恣意攻擊。保羅的反應是怎樣呢?對於那個攻擊真道的人,保羅直斥其非:但對於那個愛慕真道的人,保羅便熱切地對他分享信仰。 保羅為何以那麼嚴厲的態度來斥責以呂馬呢?因為以呂馬試圖攔阻別人去認識基督(8節)。你有否留意到,在聖經之中被嚴詞斥責的人,往往是那些妨礙別人相信神的人? 基督從來不會疾言厲色地斥責罪人,然而,對於那些理應有責任去帶領別人信神,但反倒成為絆腳石,阻礙別人去信神的人,基督便會厲言斥責。 保羅怒斥以呂馬的話,聽在方伯士求保羅的耳中,使得他反覆思想(12節)。士求保羅這個人,原本已有一顆渴慕真理的心、一雙願意聆聽的耳朵和一顆幼嫩的信心。當他聽完保羅傳講有關基督的道理後,便接受了真道,得著了重生。就我們所知,他就是保羅第一位帶領信主的外邦人。 保羅跟這位士求保羅必然是成為了好朋友,因為保羅是在領他信主之後,才把自己的名字由原來的「掃羅」改為「保羅」。兩位曾經在基督裡互相幫助的朋友,他們的友誼必定更加親密。有沒有哪位信徒曾經扶持你、幫助你?你有沒有告訴他們,你曾經如何從他們身上得到幫助?你的剖白,對他們來說是一種真正的激勵;所以,不要吝嗇你的感謝,趕快去向那些曾經幫助你的信徒表達謝意吧! 禱告: 為到那些曾經向你傳福音、帶領你信主的信徒向神感恩。 |
Bible Reading: Acts 13: 6 - 12 6 Now when they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar-Jesus, 7 who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man. This man called for Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God. 8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so his name is translated) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith. 9 Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him 10 and said, "O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? 11 And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time." And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. 12 Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had been done, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord. |
When Paul and Barnabas set out on their first missionary journey, they met two men (vv. 6-7), one of whom welcomed them and the other opposed them. That seems to be the same today in many places doesn't it? Paul spoke bluntly to the man who opposed him, but shared his faith warmly with the man who welcomed him. Why did Paul rebuke Elymas so strongly? Because Elymas was standing in the way of another man coming to know Christ (v. 8). Have you ever noticed that the strongest, harshest words in the Bible were often spoken to those who stood in the way of others trusting God? Christ never said a harsh word to a sinning man or woman, but he certainly spoke out against those who were supposed to lead men and women to God but failed to do so. Paul's hard words to Elymas made the deputy named Sergius Paulus stop and think again (v.12). He was a man with a hungry heart, an open ear and a believing faith, When he heard Paul speak about Christ, he accepted the truth and was born again. He was Paul's first Gentile convert that we know about. The two men must have become the best of friends and Paul even changed his name to the same as the man he had just led to Christ. There is a wonderful bond between friends who have helped each other in Christ. Who has been the means of blessing to you? Have you ever told them so? It might be a real encouragement to them. Why not do it today? A PRAYER: Thank God again for the one who first told you of Christ.