There are several names on the list of disciples about whom we know almost nothing. That is not true of John, often called the "Beloved disciple". He might not be the prominent leader or spokesman which Peter was but he might be the one closest to Christ. He became known as the disciple Jesus loved. He wrote the "Gospel of the Son of God" as well as three letters and the tremendous conclusion to the Bible, the Revelation. John first met Christ one afternoon while standing with Andrew listening to John the Baptist. He heard the words Israel had waited for, "Look, the Lamb of God". It must have been a moment of instant faith for John. He spent the evening with Christ and gave Him the rest of his life too. John was the brother of James, the first apostle to be martyred. They were fishermen from the Sea of Galilee. Apparently after their early contact with Christ, John and others returned to their fishing. Then Christ again came to them, calling them to come with Him and "catch men". We sometimes don't realise the changes Christ made in John's life. He must have been by nature a man with strong feelings, even anger and a man with real ambition. Christ gave John and his brother James a surname meaning "Sons of Thunder"! It must have been obvious that these two men had spoken up several times and denounced others with very strong words. (Luke 9:51-56) But Christ changed John's life and turned him into the apostle of love. There is no one whose life cannot be changed by Christ if that life is yielded to Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17) A SONG TO SING: What a wonderful change in my life since Jesus came into my heart |