Can you imagine the scene? Jesus and the disciples stepped ashore from one or two boats and found a huge crowd waiting for them - men, women and children, all eager to see and hear Christ preach and heal the sick. It was late afternoon. It soon became very apparent that the people had no desire to go home. They were like some guests who come to our homes and stay longer than expected! The big problem would be, "What are these people going to eat and where are they going to find food?" Christ suddenly spoke to Philip, "What are we going to do about this crowd, Philip?" Why did He ask Philip? It has been suggested that Philip was usually in charge of the feeding arrangements for the twelve disciples. He was also from that area and would know where the various villages were situated. Philip gave a good answer. He must have been doing some calculation himself. "It would take far more money than we've got even to give them just a bite." Philip no doubt wanted to help the crowd but couldn't see how it could be done. There are plenty of people around today who think just like Philip. "How much is it going to cost?" is their first question. Philip was problem-centred instead of Christ-centred. He had already seen what Christ could do in healing the sick but this was a new situation. He still had to learn that little is much when Christ is in control. Nothing is impossible with God. How is our faith, our vision of what Christ can do? He is still the same and what seems impossible for us is wonderfully possible with Him. As Philip passed around the bread and the fish, he must have had a new vision of the power of this remarkable Saviour. Is there something impossible for Christ to do for you today? |