This story took place about 10-11 years after Pentecost. It must have been difficult for the church in Jerusalem to watch as James, one of the leading apostles, was taken away and then martyred. The second shock on top of that was when almost immediately Peter was arrested. They had no doubt about Herod's intentions for him too. What could the church do? They turned to united prayer. The result was a miraculous deliverance for Peter the night before he was to be killed. But did you notice the second verse in our reading? The apostle James was beheaded, while Peter was released. God allowed one man to die and the other to live. How do you explain that? We can only bow before God and say, "Even so Father, for so it seems good in your sight." That is not always easy but it is the way of faith, believing that our God never makes a mistake. This is not fatalism. This is not a blind submission to one greater than us. Our God is a God of love as well as a God of power. We can trust Him and accept His sovereignty, His ultimate control. He had more work on earth for Peter but He wanted James Home with Himself. The world always questions this type of action by God more than anything else. "If he was such a good man why did God let him die?" is their question. Why do bad things happen to good people? It is hard sometimes to explain God's actions even to His children, let alone the world. Someday we'll know the reasons behind what He does. Here in this chapter, the church seemed to have accepted it all and God blessed them for it. It must have been particularly hard for James' brother John. But he could only say, "As for God His way is perfect or blameless." REMEMBER: In accepting God's ways lies the way of peace always |