You probably have had this experience. In a Bible Study group you have been going along quietly until someone asks a question. Suddenly the whole study takes on a new perspective. One simple sincere question has opened the way for the most helpful discussion of the whole evening. Our Lord was quietly outlining the future for the disciples when Thomas asked his incisive question, "Where are you going?" It is possible several of the others were thinking along the same lines. Perhaps they were glad Thomas had been brave enough to interrupt the Master. We should all be grateful to Thomas. Christ's reply is composed of some of the greatest words of the Gospel. If Thomas hadn't asked about the place Jesus was referring to, we would never have had these immortal words, "I am the way, the truth and the life." The next statement sums up the whole way of salvation "No one comes to the Father except by me." Thank God for Thomas, but thank God more for the wonderful answer Christ gave that night in the upper room. It tells us plainly the way to Heaven, the way to true knowledge and the way to Eternal Life. There can never be any question or doubt. Jesus Christ is the way and the Father will never recognise anyone who dares to try and come by some other way. Many religions and cults tell us they have found the way but their roads sadly lead nowhere. Are we doing enough to help others find the right road? |