You know that Mark's gospel is really Peter's gospel. Mark took from Peter the stories, the messages, and the miracles of Christ as Peter remembered them and wrote them down for us. It is to Peter's credit, that he gave Mark the full details of his denial of Christ in the high priest's courtyard. Matthew and Luke gave a similar story. John gave the least mention of it. Perhaps John didn't want to say much against his old friend. Why did Peter fail? Self-confidence was one problem. Do you remember what he said in the Upper Room? (13:29) "Even if all fall away I will not." The Lord immediately warned him but Peter insisted, "Even if I have to die for you, I will never disown you." What boasting! Only to fail badly later. But we've known times like that, haven't we? We thought we were self-sufficient for some task, some opportunity, only to fail badly. But isn't the Lord gracious? Isn't his forgiveness complete? We know that too. On busy Resurrection Sunday, Jesus took time out to find Peter. He had even told the angels at the tomb to include Peter's name in the list of those to whom the good news was to be given. We have never been told the details about Peter's private interview with Christ. We can only imagine it. Can you see Peter kneeling in tears before Christ? Can you hear Christ's words, "Stand up Peter, you are forgiven." We've heard those words too, haven't we? How many times have we failed? But confession brings forgiveness and then fellowship is restored. What a wonderful Saviour! A VERSE TO LEARN BY HEART: 1 John 1:9 - learn it today |