The scene is at the Upper Room. The "Last Supper" is over and Judas had already left (vv.30-31). It must have been a warm atmosphere of fellowship in spite of the obvious tension. Three times a disciple interrupted to ask a question. (vv.5, 8&22) As Christ so often did, he mentioned the Father. Philip was still puzzled and blurted out, "Lord, we heard you talk so much about the Father. Could we see Him? That would really help us understand what you've been saying!" Christ's answer seems a little blunt, but we ought to be grateful for Philip's question. Christ's answer is very helpful to our faith and our knowledge of the Father. We wonder what Philip expected. Did he think they would be given a vision of heaven or what? That answer is really one of the greatest statements regarding the unique oneness of the Father and the Son. "Anyone who has seen me, has seen the Father." In other words, we are dealing with a heavenly Father who is exactly like Christ and Christ is exactly like the Father. Have you realised how loving, wonderful, and powerful Christ is? Then remember the Father is the same. That helps us so much in our understanding of God. We do not know where Philip went after Pentecost. There are no recorded miracles or messages by him. Tradition says he was martyred in Hierapolis after a ministry in Syria and through Asia Minor. Wherever he served Christ, Philip would have done it in a quiet determined way. What would our churches be like without men and women like him? Let's thank God today for their quiet faithful service |