The teaching of the Bible and especially of Christ himself is that death is not the end of our existence. This story from Christ's own lips confirms this. We saw yesterday the contrast of circumstances in the lives and the deaths of the rich man and Lazarus. How different it all was. Now the scene has changed and we look at the contrast in their circumstances after death. Lazarus had very little in his life time except his faith in God. But that faith carried him through the valley into the presence of the Old Testament saints, gathered together with Abraham. It was a happy place of fellowship where they waited for Christ to come and take them into Heaven itself. But in the other portion of the unseen world the rich man was in deep trouble. Was he surprised to find himself there? Was he even more surprised to see Lazarus with Abraham and the other saints? Was that man there in an unhappy place because he had been rich? No. Both Abraham and Job had been very rich. He was there because during his earthly life he had not recognised his need of God. He had turned away from God. Now he was separated from God forever. In life he had all he wanted. He could satisfy his every wish. Now none of his requests were granted. He was in a place of unsatisfied longings and an unbridgeable gulf. There was no way out of his terrible situation. Physical death is not the end of our existence. Death is only a gateway. Either it leads to unending joy and blessing with Christ or it leads to a place on continued and eternal separation from God. The choice is not made then - it is made here in this life on earth. What choice have you made? WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY? |