Is there a limit to forgiveness? How many times has God forgiven you or me for Christ's sake? Is that the way we forgive others who act wrongly against ourselves? Peter was having trouble with his brother. We only know of Andrew, the brother who brought Peter to Christ. Or does the question include perhaps a neighbour? Christ answered Peter's question with this remarkable story. The word servant here can mean a highly placed official. But however did this officer run up such a huge debt? The equivalent today would be millions of dollars. He certainly could not pay that amount immediately. But when the king saw his position he cancelled the whole enormous debt. What a wonderfully generous act. Now he was debt free. He did not deserve that. . But what did he do in turn? He threw a man into prison who owed him only a few dollars! He had just been forgiven an incredible amount of money. But he himself couldn't pass on that kind of generosity. His meanness, his unforgiving spirit were found out by the king. The officer spent possibly the rest of his life in jail as a result. How did Christ use this story? His application was one which he often taught - a man must forgive in order to be forgiven. We cannot earn God's forgiveness but while an unforgiving spirit remains in our hearts we cannot truly know the fullness of fellowship with God. We have been forgiven a debt which we could never pay but which Christ paid for us. Is it too much for God to ask us to show forgiveness to others? Ephesians 4:32 is a command. 'Forgive each other just as in Christ God forgave you.' Is there someone you should forgive? Why not do it today? |