"Pastor, are there any lists in the Bible which tell us what we can do or can't do?" A new young Christian had phoned me with this important question. How would you have answered him? Many questions about our conduct as Christians are answered for us in the Bible. Should a Christian cheat or lie? The Bible says no. Should a Christian marry a non-Christian? The Bible says no. There are many other similar positive directions. But plenty of other questions are not answered specifically. Our culture is different to that of the days in which the Bible was written. Consequently we have to interpret the principles laid down in the Word of God as they apply to us. The result is that Christians differ in their approach to many matters. Our background can influence our behaviours. Younger people today see things differently from their parents. Who is right? How do we decide? Every local church should have standards and guidelines for acceptable behaviours. It ought to administer discipline when those standards are broken. But a local church cannot decide every question for us even though some churches try to do so. The final decision is a very personal one. It is ours to make in the light of the Word of God and the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Talking it over with a pastor or Christian friends can usually help. For the next few days we will think together about this very important pathway to blessing. The road to compromise is not usually the right way. When the Word of God fills our minds and the Holy Spirit fills our lives, we will know for ourselves what the Lord wants us to do. A VERSE FOR TODAY: "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go." (Psalm 32:8) |