Have you ever written two letters to the same person, and each letter dealt with an entirely different subject? There might be a major difference in your style of writing, wasn't there? If you have ever done that, you will appreciate the difference between the two letters of I and II Peter. In the first letter, Peter wanted to strengthen those Christians undergoing persecution. In the second letter Peter bluntly warned the churches against false teachers. The theme of I Peter is hope. The theme of II Peter is true knowledge and discernment. There is comfort but also judgment in these letters. Peter is here a pastor and teacher, as well as a prophet. II Peter and the Epistle of Jude are very similar in their straight forward language and challenge. In the first few verses of our reading, there are tremendous truths or principles. How does Peter describe himself before he mentions his apostleship? "A servant of Jesus Christ", literally a bond-slave. Paul frequently used the same word. In the remainder of verse 1, Peter included us all when he wrote to those who have the same kind of faith as the apostles. If we have the same faith, then we have the same position – being bond-slaves of Christ. If we are His bond-slaves, then Christ has the right to expect our complete obedience and service. Our time is not how we like to spend as our own. We serve under our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. But God is a God of grace (v.3). He knows our weaknesses and our needs and is willing to supply daily grace for every situation. The grace is given to us simply because we know Jesus Christ. A VERSE FOR TODAY: "Your strength will equal your days." (Deuteronomy 33:25) |