2009年9月29日 星期二

2009-09-29 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   約伯記三十二章1至14節







Day 29

Bible Reading:   Job 32: 1-14
Was there quite a group which gathered around Job and his friends while they argued back and forth? At least one younger man named Elihu had sat through this seemingly endless discussion. But three times in the first four verses his anger is mentioned. '

It is interesting that his name means "He is my God Himself" while his father's name means "God blesses". If the book of Job is one of the oldest books, there must have been a general knowledge of God, however limited, which led men to think often of Him.

What did this angry young man say in six chapters - 165 verses? He makes very frequent references to God and has some excellent remarks on the nature and work of God. But again his knowledge of God as a personal loving friend seems to be very limited.

Elihu said plainly God is not accountable to us for His actions. He is sovereign and does what He wishes. "Job you've been saying God is silent. No He isn't. (vv.12-19) He speaks in various ways. God is always right. (34:10-12) And God knows everything (34:21-23). So you can trust Him because He knows what He is doing."

However Elihu still goes back to the same theme as the three friends – "Job you are a sinner and deserve all that's happened to you." But there was so much Elihu did not know and he overlooked something which we richly enjoy - the love of God for His children.

The picture Elihu gave of God was wonderful in many ways, but it was only one aspect of God. The personal presence and knowledge of God which we have is a greater privilege than we really appreciate.

Elihu didn't help Job very much but then God came and spoke personally to Job and he was satisfied. Job was answered. He still didn't understand everything but he saw himself as unworthy of God's goodness and came to trust Him in a fresh way. That story is ahead of us in our readings over the next two days. It is a thrilling message for us all.

