2009年9月18日 星期五

2009-09-18 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   提摩太後書二章14至25節





Day 18

Bible Reading:   2 Timothy 2: 14-25
Several well known verses are in this passage of Scripture. Verse 15 has been a key verse for students through many generations. The KJV words are so familiar, "Study to show thyself approved unto God..." Those words have challenged many believers and can still speak to us today. An urgent need in many churches is more study of God's Word.

Then verse 19 contains the assuring phrase – "The Lord knows those who are His." Those words can be taken in many different ways. They can speak assurance to every believer. They can also bring comfort when a loved one has passed away and we do not know if they ever accepted Christ. God knows if they did at any time and we have to leave it there.

Next Paul returns to his figures of speech seen earlier in the chapter. Now he likens believers to vessels used in a household. The point he makes is that no matter what the vessel is made of, it must always be ready for the master of the household's use. Obviously if God is going to use us, we need to be clean and available for His use. In verse 21 Paul clearly states that it is our responsibility to be cleansed and ready. Those are strong words to us all.

After further varied instructions in verses 22-23, Paul lays down a clear statement on the behaviour of the Lord's servant. How much better off our churches would be if all the members could listen to these words, "The Lord's servant must not quarrel." The word actually means "to make war". Many times churches have been divided; missionary societies and other groups have been splintered simply because one person or group wants to have his or their own way.

It is a beautiful picture Paul gives of the Lord's servant, kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful, gently instructing those who oppose him. Very few of us have ever come up to that standard but that is what Christ was like while here on earth. Why shouldn't His servants be more like Him in every way?

