Day 17
BIBLE READING: Mark 10:13-16
We often sing, 'when mothers of Salem their children brought to Jesus'. But the words used in our reading today show that it was the fathers who actually brought their little ones to Christ.
In a Jewish family it was always the father who had the responsibility of training the children in spiritual things. Certainly the mothers had a big part to play also, as we see in the lives of Moses, Samuel and Timothy. Even grandparents shared in this. Spiritual training was the very best education a family could give their children.
What about our families today? Is the spiritual training of the children left to the mothers? How often have you heard it said 'Well I leave those things to my wife'? But that is not what the Word of God says.
The New Testament is very clear that the husband and father is the one who should take the lead and be the spiritual head of the house. Christ also wants Christian families to be a witness to the world of how wonderful it is to have a loving heavenly Father who cares for use always.
The reading also tells us how much Christ loves little children. They are never too young to be prayed for. Very early in their lives they should be told about his love. There is nothing more moving than the prayer of a little child simply telling God all about all that has happened to him that day. Christ said that the simple faith of a child is something we all need to practise. God loves to see that kind of trust and love.
Children are God's gift to us. He loves them and he wants us to teach them about his wonderful love for them.
How much of the love of God can be seen in your home day by day?