Have you ever realised what you are actually doing when you pray? There are several things that you are saying, not in words, but in the very face that you are praying. You are saying: 1. I believe there is a God. 2. I believe he is all-powerful. 3. I believe he can hear me. 4. I believe he cares about me and loves me. 5. I believe he can and will answer my prayer. 6. I believe he knows what is best for me. 7. I believe I can trust him. There are many people living in other parts of the world who pray to a god of wood or stone, but that god never hears them. Read Psalm 115:3-9 and see the contrasts between our living God in heaven and the idols that men make which they call their gods. One of the most important things about our praying is our attitude while we pray. Our reading tells us that we need to have faith as we pray. Our reading tells us that we need to have faith as we pray. That means we need to come to God recognising that he knows what is best for us. Sometimes we try to tell God what he is to do or even to demand that he should do a particular thing for us. This is contrary to true prayer. One of the greatest examples of believing, trustful prayer is found in the words of Christ, 'Not my will, but thine be done'. Can we learn that kind of praying in the school of prayer today? A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Christ prayed often while he was here, so I certainly need to pray more often. |