2009年10月5日 星期一

2009-10-05 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   提多書二章11 至15節

究竟甚麼是「恩典」?我們可以給「恩典」下不同的定義,包括:不配得的恩惠,神將祂的恩惠施與不配得的人;神因著祂的憐憫和慈憐而作出的行動;神憑著祂的智慧和能力所施行的作為;神在基督裡賜給我們一切的需用。自古至今,神一直以恩典對待我們。約翰‧紐頓(John Newton)說得好:「這恩典一直恩領我至今,它必領我回到天家。」




Day 5

Bible Reading:   Titus 2: 11-15
This is one of the greatest passages in the New Testament on the grace of God. It is linked with the previous verses about the conduct of the various groups in the church by the first word – "for". We are to behave in a Christ-like way because of the grace of God which has come to us. We will spend two days looking at these verses.

What do we mean by "grace"? Various definitions have been given: Unmerited favour, the favour of God shown to the undeserving. In mercy and pity God acted. In wisdom and power He acted. In Christ He provided all we would ever need. And He is still dealing with us in grace. John Newton said it well – "Tis grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home."

What did grace bring? Salvation. (v.11) The law could not do this, science does not do it, and philosophy is unable to do it. But the grace of God did and can do so. It came in the form of Jesus Christ. Salvation in Christ is free, because of grace. It is available and free to all men because it is all of grace.

Grace also is a teacher (v.12). "It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly pleasures." That is the negative side. On the positive side grace teaches us to "live self-controlled upright and godly lives in this present world". Grace is not only our ticket to heaven but it means our lives are to show day by day just what has happened in them because of the grace of God.

What is the result God is looking for? The people who belong to Himself who are His very own. God has always wanted the fellowship of man but sin came in and interrupted that intimate fellowship. Now the grace of God in Christ has provided a way by which we can become once more what God has always wanted - a person in fellowship with Himself. No wonder we call it the "wonderful grace of God".

